
Teeth Whitening? <span title="makingThisTwentyCharactersLong">makingThisTwentyCharacter...</span>

by  |  earlier

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I brush my teeth atleast two times a day. In the morning and at night. Each time, for a good ~2-3 minutes, and sometimes 5 . I brush in circles with enough toothpaste. For some reason, after all of this, my teeth are still yellow. From far away (like 5 ft) they look white, but when I actually look at them in the mirror they're a horrible yellow. What can I do to change this? Is there anything? Do any of those Crest whitestrip things work?




  1. do you smoke or drink to much coffe maybe thats the reason

  2. Hi..

    ha ha when i did a dental question i had to make my question longer too!

    lol, ok back to the question

    First your not meant to brush your teeth in circles its really meant to be up and down- if you get me !

    but with the molars yes you are meant to do them in circles

    Number 2 you should use sensodyne pronamel or colgate because i still have a quite yellow teeth and now I&#039;m using good toothpaste  its getting much better!

    you should also use mouthwash at night - the best one for me is Dentyl because you can acyually see the dirt in the sink! Also flossing helps- but dont use it too much as this may cause gaps in between teeth!

    Ok hope i helped and i hope your teeth get whiter!

    Good Luck (=

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