
Teeth won't stop shifting.?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, i'm 13, and my shift. It's only my two front teeth at the top. My gums, seem to be healthy as they are not red, irritated, or giving off signs of periodontal disease. My wisdom teeth are coming in. I brush and floss very night, and morning. It doesn't hurt when they shift (like move a bit if I eat or brush my teeth), and they do nothing more than that. It's just annoying to me, and worries me a little bit, as last year I went to a dentist to get my teeth cleaned, but he said I had periodontal disease, even though my teeth are quite healthy.

Is something really wrong with my teeth?

Also since my wisdom teeth have started coming in, they seem to be pushing my teeth IN to alignment. Note: I also lost one of my teeth 4 or 5 times before it stayed there.

Help? My mom says i'm fine but I just want to see what you guys think.




  1. you're not "fine" if your dentist said you had periodontal disease. I'm wondering if he suggested some sort of follow-up treatment.

    Anyway, you definitely should go back to him or get a second opinion.

    You sound pretty clued in...smarter than the average 13 yo.

    Good luck.

  2. Most likely NOT because of your wisdom teeth.  You are probably late getting your 12 year molars.  

    you may have "localized juvenile periodontitis".  Go see a PERIODONTIST to have your mouth evaluated and treated.


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