
Teething @ 3 months?

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my daughter will be 3 months tommorrow, and i would like to know if its too early to be teething? she has been drooling for about 3 weeks now and always has her hands in her mouth sucking... today she was unusually cranky(she might just be over tired) but does this sound like teething? and if it is, she is only 3 months and cannot hold a teething ring... would you give her tylenol this early? or should i contact the doctor? what are other ways everyone dealt with teething this early?




  1. Yes, your daughther could very well be teething.  When my son was teething I rubbed his gums from time to time to help ease the pain.  There is someting called teething tablets and is all natural.  I am honestly not sure of the age requirement but I can say that they have been a life saver with my son.  I included a link to a chart that shows when the teeth normally come in and my son's team came in before all times shown.

  2.'s not too early.  Many babies teeth at this age and teeth may not come for a few months yet.  My daughter had 2 teeth erupt at 10 weeks old.

  3. my son is 6 months old and i thought he was teething at that is very possible, but it is totally normal what she is doing..i would not give tylenol unless there is a fever could take her to the doctor for a second opinion..but rest assured, your daughter is gaining taste buds(reson for the drool) and loves her hands as all babies do!  

  4. its early but not uncommon, a friend of mines daughter had 6 teeth by 3 months of age.. Maybe try baby orgel and see if that helps on the gums.. and if needed tylenol should be fine as long as you know the proper dosage. Also maybe hold a teething ring for her and see if it helps, or a cold wash cloth..  

  5. She's teething.

    My daughter started at 3 months and didn't get her first tooth unitl 6 months.

    I found that a washcloth worked the best for her.  Get one corner wet and then put it in the freezer for 10 minutes.  She can hold the cloth and just chew on it.  I also used Infant Advil/Motrin for the times she was really uncomfortable (especially bedtime).  The Infant Orajel Night time is good.  It lasts just a bit longer than the regular Orajel... but this is a very temporary relief.

  6. well i know once she is 4 months you can give her tylonal at eh .4 mark...but my daughter is 4 months and just had her 4 month check up and she has been doing the same thing since she was 3 months. i asked the doctor if she was teething and he said some babies do get their teeth in earlier than others but its not too often that that happens. He said she is probably just a drooler. some babies jsut like things in their mouth more that others and tend to drool more b/c of it.

  7. my son who is now 5 months started teething at 2 1/2 months and still has no teeth.

    but that sounds like teething.

    go buy some teething tablets

    they got them at wal mart they work better than

    the gel
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