
Teething baby! HELLLLPPP ME?

by  |  earlier

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Everyone with children will go through the teething stage so im hoping there is lots of advice out there, in all forms!

My 6month old has his 2 bottom teeth through, and he is teething mad! I apply bonjela (teething gel) every 3-4 hours, offer him cold teething toys and the days are bareable as ive always got things on hand! But night time have become a really big problem over the past few days, I hope they dont last like this for much longer. When i put him to bed at around 8.00 he doesnt stir ect, until my head hits the pillow it seems! im constantly getting in and out of bed trying to settle him. Last night was rediculous, i went to bed myself at around 11pm and wasnt asleep until 5am!!!!! I was climbing in and out and in and out and in and out and in and out, of bed. I give him bonjela and offer bottles which he seems to be refusing lately in the night. He gets himself all in a pickle in bed, rolled over, feet through the bars! Im at my wits end, need some help and well earnt sleep :(

Hes got a temperature so today ive given calprofen which brought it back down, and now ive just noticed some reddy spots all over this front and back. Waiting for the doctors to re-open at 4.30pm to check this out with a pro.





  1. maybe while he's going through this stage, you bring him into bed with you, or you sleep in his bedroom..

  2. Just put a teething toy in his crib. Or put the nipple to a bottle in his crib and when he wakes up he wont need you to get it.

  3. the rash could be a sign of a virus as well as the temperature, a couple of weeks ago i thought my daughter was teething bad, she had a slight temperature and was irritable which we assumed was teething but that night something told me it all didnt seem right, gut instinct i guess, we took her to hospital and she had a urinary tract infection, it taught me not to put everything down to teething!im not saying that your baby is sick or anything but its always good to get them checked out and its good your taking him to the docs...hope all goes well!

  4. I used Nelsons Teethers for my son (still do and he is 2 and a half!) I even used them on myself when I had a gum infection they are that good! They can be used along side things like calpol as they are completely natural.

  5. The spots and temperature are not related to the teething.  My guess is he's picked up a viral infection of some sort.  My daughter just had some strange spots a week before she got a bit of a cold.   Viruses are known to do some strange things.  It's a good think you're taking him to the doctors though, just to nip it in the bud.

    As for his night time wakings, perhaps you should administer some tylenol or tempra or some other infant pain reliever so that he's not so restless and it will help you sleep easy knowing he's not fussying because he's in so much pain.

    They do have vibrating teething rings that you can probably put in his crib with him.  That would be a good alternative to those frozen or cold ones.

    Good luck!

  6. If he's in pain, give him baby tylanol!  My son was only crazy like that for about 24 hours...the initial day and night each tooth broke through.  He'd wake up 3-4 times at night (4 months old) instead of his usual 0-2 times.  And I just gave him tylanol and/or nursed him.  You may try cosleeping just for a couple nights until he's over it.  Once the teeth are through the gums, I don't think most babies are bothered anymore, so maybe he is sick (thus the body rash and fever?)  You need to speak with a doctor.

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