Ok so my son is 6months3wks old so teething IS an option..
Yesterday after i came home from work my son wouldn't nurse for longer than 5minutes, he always spends good 10-15min nursing & a couple of times a day he comfort nurses for 30min to nap.. yesterday it was impossible, he didn't nap & at each feed he'd get mad & pull away & if i tried to put him back on he'd cry & scream.. If i expressed a bit of milk into his mouth he'd take it again but then get mad again =S
This went on al afternoon, then at night i always nurse him to sleep.. But last night he would do the same, he nursed for 5minutes, started getting mad & pulled back, then cried & screamed.. WEIRD, he's always a good sleeper, It was 12am & i still was trying to get him to sleep. He was cranky & refused to nurse, i tried to feel his gums but he closed his mouth shut.. I don't know how but he finally went to bed, then today when i fed him before coming to work he nursed as usual, he was very sleepy though, so i don't know.
What do you think this is? or Was? i hope it was a 1 day thing