
Teething or Nipple confusion? What do you think?

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Ok so my son is 6months3wks old so teething IS an option..

Yesterday after i came home from work my son wouldn't nurse for longer than 5minutes, he always spends good 10-15min nursing & a couple of times a day he comfort nurses for 30min to nap.. yesterday it was impossible, he didn't nap & at each feed he'd get mad & pull away & if i tried to put him back on he'd cry & scream.. If i expressed a bit of milk into his mouth he'd take it again but then get mad again =S

This went on al afternoon, then at night i always nurse him to sleep.. But last night he would do the same, he nursed for 5minutes, started getting mad & pulled back, then cried & screamed.. WEIRD, he's always a good sleeper, It was 12am & i still was trying to get him to sleep. He was cranky & refused to nurse, i tried to feel his gums but he closed his mouth shut.. I don't know how but he finally went to bed, then today when i fed him before coming to work he nursed as usual, he was very sleepy though, so i don't know.

What do you think this is? or Was? i hope it was a 1 day thing




  1. It could be any number of things, including the 2 that you listed.  However, I seriously doubt nipple confusion at this point.

    It could also be due to a nursing strike, growth spurt, something you ate, ear ache, general malaise, thrush, lotion/perfume

    I'm sure there are other things I'm forgetting.  I wouldn't worry just yet.  : )

  2. Not nipple confusion and not typical teethign signs. My guess is he is havign a growth spurt and the milk is slowing down sooner. Just keep at it, your supply will pick up to meet what he needs.

    **ETA**I didn't say not teething symptoms. I said not TYPICAL. And it isn't. That could very well be what it is, but the other is more likely. All 3 of mine have done it with every growth spurt.

  3. what did you eat?  maybe your milk didn't taste good... you have to be careful and not eat stinky or spicy stuff like cabbage, onions, garlic, barbeque sauce, etc.

  4. Could be late nipple confusion

    Could be a nursing strike.

    Could be teething

    Could be an ear infection.

    Could be thrush?

    Could have been a bit sick (stomach, whatever)

    I would say that unless it repeats itself don't go nuts trying to track down a source.  Though I would keep an eye out of other obvious signs of illness or nipple confusion.

    Late Nipple Confusion

    My baby fusses or cries during nursing - what's the problem?

  5. Well my son is bottle fed, but much of what you are saying was similar to how my son was acting exactly one week before i saw the little dot that became his tooth.

    It would be around his normal feeding time and he wasnt interested, and would suck for a sec then spit it out and cry at me :(

    ANd he really ate all of about 6 oz in like 10 hours. But it picked right back up again, and he was back to normal within the next day. And I know this isnt an option for you..but I got a faster flow nipple so it was easier on his gums, and he ate a little more.

    Im not sure why someone said not teething symptoms, because this is EXACTLY what my son did. I even asked a similar question when it was happening. His tooth still isnt all the way through, it's so cute though :)

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