
Teething? or ear infection?

by  |  earlier

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my daughter isnt eating as much as usual. she is 8 months old, has the bottom set of two teeth. she is pulling on both her ears all day. she isnt screaming, but seems fussy. she got over a cold a week ago, and i was wondering if anyone knows if this sounds like an ear infection or if mabye shes cutting more teeth. new mom here.. thanks! her cheeks seem alittle more red than normal. would i know if she had an ear infection? do they tend to not be able to sleep and things if they had one?




  1. My son was just a little fussy and playing with his ears when he had an infection, he was teething at the same time as well. I took him to the doctor just to be sure and I am glad I did. It never hurts to go in and check, the doctors are use to it.

  2. A quick trip to the doctor will be able to tell you....I'd take her.

  3. Without a shadow of a doubt she is teething. Babies also get colds when they are teething so the fact that she has just had one is also a major indication. Also the rosy cheeks and pulling on the ear are main signs. If she had an ear infection she would be crying at loud noises and the inside of her ear would be slightly red and I imagine she would be unsettled at night.

    To help soothe it try a cool teething ring, teething gel or a chilled rubber weaning spoon.  

  4. sound to me like it could be ear infection. my 10 month old always gets ear infection after a cold he has had 6 or 7  so far and he gets more cranky with each one. The first 2 he was the same baby as normal just a low grade fever  and now I know if it's ear infection because he won't sleep more than 15 minutes in 24 hours.

  5. ear infections are painful and she would be crying and yes sleep is also affected as is feeding.  its probably teething but when she was getting her first set of teeth, was she doing this also? and you can check ur self if she is getting new teeth by looking/ feeling her gums.  they will look thicker and whiter if she is getting new teeth.  she will like biting things more or drool more.   if ur still confused take her to her ped to make sure its not an ear infectiion.

  6. When in doubt take her in. Ear infections are extremely painful and can do long term damage. It could be either, but tugging at the ears is not usually a symptom of teething.

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