
Teething question for those moms!?

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Can teething cause your little one to spit up more frequently? Mine has a bottom tooth pokin through at the moment, and its bothering him a lot... but now when he isnt refusing the bottle, after every ounce that I burp him, hes been spitting up a lot! I took him to the doctor, and they just gave me zantac thinking its acid reflux... but im not sure?




  1. i dont think teething can cause a baby to spit up i know they can run low grade fever and have runny noses when teething but i dont think it could cause him to spit up but you never know all babies r diff.

  2. Unless your child had GI tests run such as a barium swallow I would very concerned about giving him Zantac. A lot of pediatricians like to prescribe acid reflux meds without testing and it isnt a safe practice. Teething can cause a child to spit up more. Or it could be a summer bug. It isn't getting better after a week or so I would maybe look into some tests to check for reflux. But until then I wouldnt even consider the diagnosis and meds the doctor gave.

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