Tekken Tag Tournament 2 vs. Dead or Alive 5 – PlayStation 3
Comparing the PlayStation 3 version of two fighting games is never an easy thing to do, especially when the games under discussion are Tekken Tag Tournament 2 and Dead or Alive 5.
Both the games pack a strong punch in their unique way that one often finds oneself wondering why the two games are even being compared.
Irrespective of how unfair, rather pointless, it appears to put Tekken Tag Tournament 2 and Dead or Alive on the table and try to figure out which one of them enjoys an upper hand over the other, the seemingly
never-ending debates on various online forums has created a need to get this thing sorted out once and for all.
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is every fighting game lover’s dream come true. While this may initially come off as an overstatement, you just need to look the different modes, size of character roster, presentation
and gameplay of the game to know why the latest title in the Tekken franchise by Namco Bandai Games is considered among the best, if not the best.
Dead or Alive 5 does not fall too far behind its counterpart either. With Team Ninja taking over the development of the game and injecting the pure awesome that one can only expect from the team behind the highly-acclaimed
Ninja Gaiden franchise into it, the product which eventually came out was just amazing.
The game has a brilliant presentation, with a beautiful cast of characters to choose from and an addictive gameplay. The development team has clearly spent a lot of time in designing the stages and adding some
not-so-unique but definitely refreshing elements to it. The simplistic gameplay of Dead or Alive makes it perfect for fighting-game newbies to pick up the controller and take on a pro.
Now that it has been established that both the games are nothing short of outstanding, the only question which remains to be answered is which of the two games is better.
For someone who has been a Tekken enthusiast since the days of PlayStation One, the comparison between the Tekken Tag Tournament 2 and Dead or Alive 5 would be absurd. The latest Tekken game has nearly gotten
rid of everything that kept it from being a perfect fighting game. The experience on offer is one that fans of the genre can truly enjoy without having to make faces and cursing the developers.
However, if a person stays objective, one would surely begin to notice the things that make Dead or Alive 5 slightly better than Tekken Tag Tournament 2.
Even though Team Ninja did not bother to expand the character roster in Dead or Alive 5 too much, they made up for it by brushing up the characters, adding a lot of detail to them, giving them personalities and
adding a huge list of moves to their arsenal. The characters in Tekken Tag Tournament 2 sometimes come off as rather shallow, except for a few one.
Another thing that makes Dead or Alive 5 a bit more appealing than Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is that Team Ninja has clearly taken the casual gamers into consideration while developing the gameplay. One does not
need to be a hardcore gamer to enjoy the experience. Namco Bandai Games, on the other hand, seem to have ignored the casual gamers and made the move lists, combos and overall gameplay of Tekken Tag Tournament 2 a bit complex.
Irrespective of the comparison drawn between the two games, it would not be an overstatement to say that both Tekken Tag Tournament 2 and Dead or Alive 5 are two of the best fighting games on the PlayStation
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are solely of the writer’s and do not reflect bettor.com’s official editorial policy.