
Telegram from the Queen in Denmark?

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Do you automatically get a telegram in Denmark when you're 100 years old? I don't want my grandmother to miss out in February! I have looked at the royal website already and of course google'd, but can't find definite answer, please help..




  1. I truly don't think so my friends grand mother lives in Denmark and just turned 100 yesterday she didn't get hers.

                                                           Hope yours gets theres,


  2. Love the tradition of the 100 year telegram.  Here in the states it is Good Morning America and I think Al Roper does a bit on the Today show.  But much better than getting a telegram from "W"

  3. Nobody gets a "royal telegram" automatically. You need to contact the Danish consul or embassy where you are, and give them her details. You may have to provide her birth certificate - its not just a case of saying she is 100, you do have to show some proof. Good luck, and best wishes to your gran !

  4. Generally I get to the Royal Airport by learjet and I didn'nt notice yet if the royal guard changed the risin' toast, cuz the Moet & Chandon cup is still shakin' on...

    So,have a nice new year, babe, oh yeah!

  5. Good on your gran for getting to her 100th soon.

    Why not try the Danish Embassy,they will have a web site,

    plus phone number.

    Good luck.

  6. What a cool tradition!  Here in the US, if you want a greeting, you have to contact Good Morning America!   lol

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