
Telegraph or Morse code communication work from ship to ship (Titanic)?

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how does it work? how can one ship can recieve the telegraph signal from another ship without wire?




  1. The Titanic was the first disaster with a ship having "Wireless Equipment" unfortunately no one was listening.  That is why laws were changed to require monitoring the designated Emergency frequency of 500 kilohertz at all times at sea.  A requirement which was only repealed a few years ago.

  2. 1912 A Spark jumping a gap and two large coils of wire powered by battery Jars were used to generate signal to the antennia (AM) amplitude modulation AM radio voice transmission was still 10 years away. That signal is picked up on the antennia of the other ship and caused the coils and wire hooked to a battery to generate spark. long and short Dot dash over the new Marconi telegraph device. Wireless telegraph "How things work dot com"

  3. Yes.

    The following methods were available at the time of the Titanic for ship to ship or ship to shore.

    1, Radio

    2, Lamp telegraph

    The use of flags for sending signals was very limited. Pretty much the only ones left are the 'pilot on board' (Blue Peter) and national ensigns.

  4. Have you ever heard a radio? A signal is sent out from the ship and whatever ship is in range with the proper radio equipment can hear the signal and the radio operator would interpret it.

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