
Telekinesis and human this possible?

by  |  earlier

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can your subconscious tap into different parts of the brain to be able to achieve things like telekinesis and such? i mean when people get hypnotized they can recall things they couldnt recall using their consciousness, there is a hidden potential in our minds what do you think?




  1. There is no evidence that such a thing is possible.

    In spite of that , there are books, magazines and websites devoted to the idea.

    The idea that people recall things better under hypnosis is irrelevant to your questions, and also a bit of a myth.  Hypnosis is just a form of is not an "altered state", and doesn't give one access to parts of the brain/mind that aren't already accesible.

  2. I cracked up when I found out this was an actual section on Yahoo! Answers.  And even more so when I found it was under Science & Mathematics.  No, it ISN'T possible.

  3. Of course it's possible, for this is how I am able to control my television and how I'm typing as we speak.  Pure science.

  4. sorry it is not currently possible to use telekenises im sorry to burst your bubble (although that would be so cool!) lol

  5.'s possible. I don't know about telekinesis though. That's a hard one. I guess somebody must have done it at some time or there wouldn't be so much written about  it. There's a lot of thing in our minds we don't know about. My belief is that a lot of the paranormal things we can do are caused by spirits. know what? We're spirits too...just trapped in a body. You should go to Resolved Questions on here and read as much as you can. It will give you a new awareness of hidden potentials.

  6. Hypnosis does have the potential to access various abilities outside of those normally accepted by the standard scientific community. The question being, not so much as what is possible, rather than how to get control without the subject being under the hypnotic influence. Even when the subject is under hypnosis, I find it interesting to allow spontaneous variations to occur. I have been criticized for this, I break with standard procedures and thus invalidate the research, however it also opens questions as to expanding the scope of possibilities. Being as I remain active in this area, although a thorn in the side of some, I can only assume what I have so far explored has turned up some acceptable results.

    What is and will be possible, that depends on your viewpoint. For the person who has the experience, you get one viewpoint. For the skeptic, another until it can be controlled in a lab and "proved". I find that a persons willingness to have an open mind as for the possibilities available does make it easier to work with, however after the initial experience, if they desire further similar experiences it becomes more difficult. It seems that the focus of the person to have a similar response detracts from the process until they can once again allow for a new experience.

    Sorry for no direct answer, I am not in that position, I simply explore the possibilities.

  7. Ignore the people who say it is not possible.

    The correct answer is....we do not know.

    There are many things people/scientists don't know yet...a hundred years ago people thought that flies sprouted from meat spontaneously and frogs spontaneously arose from mud. People who tried to prove this wrong were laughed at and ridiculed. These are 2 of the millions of examples like this. People are of the same intelligence (relatively stupid) as back then, thus are narrow minded, and thus outrule anything that seems absurd to them.

    So... we don't know.....yet.

  8. A hundred years ago people thought that flies sprouted from meat spontaneously because you could quite easily see flies coming from rotten meat as an everyday occurrence, what they observed was correct the ideas of how they got there were wrong.

    I don't think any of us are seeing stuff moving all about the place and thinking that since we can't explain how it was moving it must be telekinesis.

    If there is any hidden potential in our minds it must be pretty well hidden since it has lain concealed for thousands of years.

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