
Telekinesis concentration help?

by  |  earlier

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this is what im trying:

but i cant concentrate good enough, maybe a few times ive seen it shaken, but are there any tips for this exercise?

thanks a bunch!




  1. Vincent, in response to the physics thing... Some believe we have energy fields that we can manipulate surrounding us, which would give the power you mentioned one would need. Others argue the mind does give off a form of power.

    As for your question... the energy field, I mentioned, consider trying that. I'm sure you have heard of auras? That's what I'm talking about. Try to picture this aura, a glowing field around you, and extend it like a third (psychic) arm. It'll help you focus your concentration and the power of your mind.

    As well, how many times have you tried it? Every time you do, you will get better, and increasingly more concentrated. Give it time! Practice will help. Also, try to keep in mind only to practice when you are calm; it'll do no good if you're worked up and anything but relaxed.

    Try meditation in your daily life, and immediately before you try. Meditate on your goal of telekinesis. Good luck!

  2. I hope you don't actually believe that video.  If you tried it yourself and it worked, that's because you can't hold your hand still.  If any one person on this Earth could demonstrate the slightest bit of PK, like getting a pen cap to shake, even budge, it would completely turn physics upside down, and that person would achieve instant and worldwide fame.

    Think about it -- if the person who wrote those instructions was really that skilled at PK (skilled enough to teach it!) then don't you think they would be doing something more with their lives than pulling in perhaps a hundred dollars a month in ad revenue from a silly little site?  Not only would that not be worth their time because it doesn't pay off in money, but what kind of sense of self-worth can be gained by publishing instructions on how to do something that no one will ever succeed in?

  3. There is one explanation for your failure I bet you haven't considered.  It's a very simple explanation.

  4. Thank you, I lost 2 minutes and 23 seconds out of my life watching that clip. I do not for a second believe that you take that clip seriously. But if you honestly do, you must of took the short bus to school.

    The sting was held by his hands. He did not show his fingers in the frame. He was moving it, intentionally or unintentionally, but not with his mind.  Any number of thing could of made the sting move.

  5. Skip "pen roll" and try "paper push" - it's easier to learn and requires much lower amounts of energy to be focussed.

  6. here is a good site it has articles to help you with every type of telekinetic ability. there are some specifically about how to concentrate.

  7. wow this stuff is so fake

  8. Have you considered the very real possibility that telekinesis is fake, and that no amount of concentration would make an object move?

    There are laws of physics that actually state that moving something needs energy, and since a brain does not project any power, nothing can move through brain power.

    Sorry to rain on your parade, but those who claim telekinesis exist have to show it to be. And so far, no one ever has.

    Edit: to Emma below; believing does not make it real. Those who think there is such a power have to show it, so far no one did. And until they do, I will believe all this is bunk.

    As for the video, the guy says "try not to move your hand" but notice how we do not see his hands? They can be moving for all we know; in fact in the case of a pendulum, the minute vibrations from the heart beat is enough to cause a swinging motion. The only way this could be shown to work would be if the pendulum is dangling from a fixed object, and that the "experimenter" cannot blow on it accidentally.

  9. I am not saying this will help you accomplish telekinesis (TK) now called psychokinesis (PK) in the scientific research literature but it will help you with concentration.

    Choose a fixed object like an apple or wash cloth something normal and boring not something with a variety of things like a book cover.

    Then attempt to stare at it and focus on this for five minutes every day eventually working up to 15 minutes. You will be amazed at both how difficult this is to do and how much more focused and productive you will be when you have to do a boring task at home or work.

    Just to correct the misinformation almost constantly posted by uninformed YA skeptics the scientific evidence for psychokinesis can be found at the links below.

    Whether or not you are convinced by the evidence is a matter of personal belief not science.


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