
Telekinesis possible?

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Your thoughts, any 'psi power' can be introduced as a point.




  1. As far as i'm aware, there is no evidence to say that it is impossible, and therfore it cannot be dismissed outright. A lack of evidence that something exists is not evidence that it does not exist. While the idea of telekinesis might seem to be implausible, the basic laws of physics do not proclude it as a possibility. It would, however, require a remote transfer of energy between the a person and the object being acted upon.

  2. Quote

    Telekinesis is a form of PK, which describes the movement of stationary objects without the use of any known physical force.

    — Eric Davis, physicist, Ph.D,  Teleportation Physics Study, U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory, 2004 page 55

    The key words here are "any known physical force", so if a force goes from being unknown to know  it is then not telekinesis, as for the brain, who already know it works on a chemical and electrical level, it may also work on many inkown (at present) levels some of which may be able to induce movement in matter, if it does then this could be telekinesis.

    Magic is just science we dont understand

  3. Telekinesis has never been demonstrated, despite many claims to having the power. In addition, there is nothing about the human brain which would lead us to think that it harbors such powers (it's a myth that we use only 10% of our brains, we actually use all of it).

    The only tattered threads of support the pro-telekinesis people have to hang on to is some universally discredited work by a long gone research group at Princeton. Not many people have heard of it simply because bad science is not very memorable. They tried to find evidence of telekinesis and remote viewing and all they ended up with was a steaming pile of statistical c**p. They were engaging in pathological science, nothing more.

    At this point, telekinesis remains only wishful thinking and unsubstantiated stories.

  4. I believe so and if anyone has any tips on how to develop this then please tell me.

  5. Don't know but if there's one thing I've learnt in this life it's never to say something is impossible because somebody will eventually prove I'm wrong.

  6. Sure it is probable.

  7. Possible in accordance with the known laws of physics?  No

    Possible in accordance with the true laws of nature? Yes,  because we do not know them -- physics is always revising its laws -- and, therefore,  we cannot logically rule out this possibility.

    Possible in accordance with reported evidences: Yes (see below).

    Before I discuss the evidence, let me say first that one problem is that nowadays there are too much attention given to special cases. The answer of oldpepy is an example of what I mean by a special case.  Uri Geller was criticized by some debunkers, including the magician James Randi, well known to reject all these phenomena.   See .  Special cases are not convincing and are only material to feed up the debunkers and the skeptics.

    However, positive results have been reported with randomly chosen subjects. These studies can be and have been replicated. However, some frauds have also been reported. Some researchers have focused on those random subjects that had a better success in their prior tests. These become selected subjects.  Better results are reported with selected subjects. See and more recently the PEAR study.  I do not know what to think about these specific studies, but I am sure it is possible in principle.

    Whenever there is a possibility to get attention and money, you will see some people to take advantage of it.  However, keep in mind one thing : this may happen on both sides of the debate.   This is more likely to happen with special cases such as Uri Geller, where a search for fame can be a motivation.  These so called skeptics organizations and debunkers are people that made a career based on refuting all these phenomena. Some of them are not even scientists, but magicians, etc.  They make their name this way. They are not to be trusted more than the many researchers that have studied and verified these phenomena, such as those at the Princeton Engineering Anomaly Research (Pear).

    EDIT To Moon N/ Knights: It would be interesting if there was a special meditation training to learn how to bend spoon or make objects levitate, but I am not aware of such a training that is successful.    I do practice an advanced Transcendental Meditation technique of levitation. I can speak positively about that.  Practitioners are  architects, medical doctors, nurses, teachers, real estate agents, scientists, businessman, actors, lawyers, etc. , practical people in all area of life.   This technique provides measurable benefits for the individuals and the environment, which have been published in peer reviewed scientific journals, but I am not aware of any claim of actual levitation that can be scientifically verified.  On the other hand, some of the scientifically measured benefits on the environment (reduction of crimes, etc.) can only be explained by field effects that are directly produced by the individuals.  If you are looking for scientific evidence of the power of the mind, this is the best we have.  These effects have been thoroughly studied and replicated many times.  There is also an old tradition of knowledge that reports that thousands of years ago, the technique was successful to bring levitation. However, nowadays, the scientifically measurable practical benefits provide the motivation to learn and practice the technique,  not levitation (or bending of spoons -- "... there is no spoon").

  8. Yes, it is possible. You are eating an orange now I suppose

  9. As I said before,4 questions ago.Anyone who says they have psi.And I mean anyone, is either lying or delusional.What's more I challenge them to prove me wrong.I will give anyone who contacts me using their power,$25 and car. By the way here's the real scoop on that Princeton thing.Ask any real scientist,and I have.They will roll their eyes and laugh.

  10. ok first get this trought your head...  THERES NO SHUCH THING AS PSI POWERS!!! ok now IF there was why havent you seen ppl. walking around with them?

  11. Even if it was, the Government would tax it.  

    So much per kilo, per mile, etc.

  12. Is it possible , Probably.

    Reading the posts alot of folks seem to say no way impossible. Its all relative to physics. Well physics as we know them have been changing alot lately on what is possible. Our brains are not 100% used we just use sections here and there,

    Don't close your mind to possibility.   We really in the scheme of things don't know squat about our brains so theres no way to know what is possible. We know size, what section sort of controls what but the majority is blank.

    Anyways thats my 2 cents worth.

  13. No-one, anywhere, at any time, has been able to demonstrate any telekinetic abilities whatsoever.


  14. What ever anyone says Uri Geller demonstrated this on live TV & under controlled conditions in laboratories around the world!

    The phenomena is real period!

    I have been fortunate to have personally witnessed many instances of the reality of the phenomena!

    Those who haven't show their ignorance!

  15. Yes as has been demonstrated by more than 20 years of careful experiments at Princeton University in program callled PEAR (Princeton Engineering Anomaly Research).

    This work is certainly not without its critics.

    Michael John Weaver, M.S.

  16. I have just been reading about EVP, I have read about it before.  This time it is about a mother, who left her tape on and managed to record her son singing, her son had passed away a year ago.

  17. Not only possible, but likely. The Rhine Institute tested a computer program back in the '70's, where they sat people down at a monitor and simulated several coin tosses per second. most people, with practice, could produce runs statiscally significant at the >.01 level. (Less than 1 chance in 100 of being random.) A few dozen subjects in the intervening years have been able to produce extended and repeated runs with a statistic significance of <.00001. (less than 1 chance in 10,000.) So, it's safe to say that tk can be done at the quantum level.

    Poltergeists, also believed to be caused by tk, are fairly common.

    The links below are for some of the better known case studies and an updated version of the old  Rhine TK test.

    It's fairly certain that TK exists, but questionable as to whether it will ever be both powerful and controllable together. So, it's pretty useless.

  18. I think twins might have psi powers. I dunno though. just a point to talk about


    and NO

    People ask this twice a day, and the answer is still NO

  20. Ha ha ha ha...


    I am serious: there is no such thing as psi power.  There never was, there never will.  The universe follows the laws of nature, and psi power would contradict them.

  21. with meditation.
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