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My friends and I are gifted psychics and we are trying to learn psychonesis and telepathy. Does anyone know how or know a good website where we can find out?




  1. Tele- and Psycho- kenesis is a development currently beyond that of an average modern human brain. The ability had been bred out of all but a few... However, that doesn't mean it cannot be don using some techniques that use similar processes. Look up Vibrational Theory and Harmonics. These can usually be found in reference to Ley Lines and the World Grid.

  2. How fortunate for you and your friends.It's incredible you found each other.The mutual support you give each others delusions must be very positive.

  3. were you born with your gift?  im really interested in that topic

  4. If you are psychic then you should know where to look .....   ;-)

  5. If there is a way to develop telekinesis, nobody has yet determined how. This question is asked over and over and over here, but the answer remains the same every time. So forgive the repeated answer, but 1 + 1 always equals 2.

    Nobody--ever--has been able to demonstrate psychokinetic ability. Many have claimed the power, and some have tried to demonstrate it with only dismal results, but none have been able to demonstrate the slightest ability. It goes without saying that the first person to come forward with such an ability would go down in history, become world famous and wealthy beyond measure. If someone had the demonstrated ability, we'd know it. So I'm sorry to say that neither I nor anyone else can tell you how to do telekinesis.

    Despite the above, there are plenty of whacked-out websites which purport to teach people how to become telekinetic, but the above caveats apply. The link below is a particularly absurd one.

  6. search for one at google......................

  7. The book "YOU ARE PSYCHIC" might help open you up a bit.

  8. If you are gifted psychics won't you already know the answer?

  9. If you are a psychic then why don't you just look into the future and figure it out on your own?

  10. Start at

    Actually I think the site has moved(linky may still be there), but all of their research files went up on the net elsewhere.

    Good Luck.

  11. TK is imaginary at best and fraud at worst.  No one has superhero powers.  Sorry, you're just going to have to reach out and move the object.

    As stated before, no one has ever demonstrated this ability.  But then no one has ever demonstrated psychic ability either and that didn't seem to prevent you from believing in that nonsense either.

  12. Telekinesis is usually called psycokinesis now in the current literature.

    You might be interested in taking a look at the work done by Princeon Engineering Anomalies Rearch (PEAR)

    I have included a link below. This work has its critics most of which can't get published in mainstream peer reviewed science journal where the actual work was published.

    Before this as early as the 1930 what is now the Rhine Research Center, I have included a link below did experiments with falling dice.

    Research on both psychokinesis and telepathy continues to be conducted by members of the Parapsychological Association. I have included a link below.

    Michael John Weaver, M.S.
You're reading: Telekinesis?

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