
Telekinesis web sites?

by  |  earlier

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Where can i find the best websites on telekinesis?




  1. Here's the most accurate and comprehensive site on telekinesis that I have found. Plus, I gave you a link to a comprehensive history of psi research including telekinesis.

    EDIT: Nice try, "Top Reporter". And thanks for all the bonus thumbs up.

  2. The first three links below are to web sites that claim to teach telekinesis.

    To the best of my knowledge no system for enhancing or learning has been studied or evaluated in a scientific manner.

    The last three links will allow you to access the extensive information on telekinesis (TK), now called psychokinesis (PK), mind-machine interaction and mind-matter interaction, from the scientific research literature where PK  has been demonstrated in controlled scientific studies for more than 27 years.

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