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in common science, everything in the universe is of a slow vibration. Light, sound, matter, ourselves.
Atoms are so tiny, that 7.5 Trillion atoms fits in the period at the end of this sentence.
Everything between you and any object you decide to look at, is made up of atoms. Everything that makes up a human being, is made up of atoms.
Elements are nothing more than a compound of atoms. Per se, when 2 atoms clump aside from 3 atoms clumping.. the result is 2 separate elements.
Electrons[in the video] are a major component that makes up an atom itself.
So in the fact that everything in the universe reacts by simply observing it, or thinking about it, it would show that focusing all of your attention towards one object would result in telekinetics.
Also giving off the fact that everything in existance is of one consciousness. Subjectively, we are the subconsciousness of ourselves.