
Telemarketer trying to sell me magazines, after he told me i was in a running for $25,000(US)??? won't leave

by  |  earlier

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at first it was this nice lady she had a thick accent so i couldn't understand her language.. she told me i was in the running for $25,000 (US) and she was calling me from utah..

anyways at first i thought it was a person trying to steal my identity, but hat gave it away was the fact that she knew my home address. then she asked me these questions about what i did as my hobbies.. then she told me what i was going to win if i won the drawing like a a mustang convertable.

anyways i gave some information away about my credit card (credit card #, security #, and expiration)BUT NOT MY SOCIAL.....

and tried to sell me this magazines that seemed interesting that i read for 69.95 for 15 months and then 45 months for free, but then i said "i couldn't afford it, b/c im in college and all my money is going to to to my monthly lease and my tuition and books" but he still offered me to qualify me to recieve a monthly lower payment to 40 and then 30...




  1. Call your bank or credit card company first, make them aware of the situation, ask them for the proper procedures they want you to do in this case so you don't have to pay for any charges they put on you, next time just hang up, or if you want to have some fun just start flirting with her, asking her when you gonna go to lunch, make up a fake name like bob builder it wont take long for you to be off the call list

  2. You are a fool and set yourself up for credit card fraud, identity theft, etc.  You gave them every last bit of info they need to take you to the cleaners.  They have already used your card and run up as much in charges and cash advances as they possibly could.

    Call your bank/credit card issuer and put out a fraud alert.  Better yet, cancel it immediately.

    Hang up on telemarketers!  And get real smart real fast.  You talk too much, give out too much info too readily and are too gullible to believe.

  3. read the telephone number on the back of your card and CANCEL IT..... you are going to get screwed,,, never give any information over the phone... call now and cancel your card... you can always get a new one... you dont win stuff unless you sign up... i am going to call you an idiot just because you deserve it. call and cancel now before you read the rest of the answers.

    I work for a company that runs credit cards all day long.. all we need is the address. the name.. the card number. security code and expiration...

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