
Telemarketers, ever slapped them across the face?

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I read blog entries about people sending junk mail through pre-paid envelopes back to annoying credit card companies. One of my friends even engages in phone s*x/ makes noises with automatic phone calling machines (though one time, he freaked out an actual person on the line).

Do you guys do anything with your junk mail/telemarketer calls?




  1. my mom was a telemarketer before i was born. She said every one had the same name. For example every one name was Rose Patterson

  2. Just hang up.

    No need to do anything antagonizing to them... they're just poor souls trying to make a living like anyone else.

    They just had the bad luck (MHO) to get that job...

    But, at least they have a job.

  3. My husband will put a bunch of garbage in the prepaid envelopes or put one companies credit card application (yay, you've been preapproved AGAIN) into another companies envelope. He won't fill anything out. Since the envelopes are prepaid they get weighed and I can imagine it perturbing the companies. I don't care about the companies. If they don't like it, then they can stop using unfair marketing practices!

    My mom yelled at a telemarketer once. The telemarketer told her, "I can't believe you're passing this up!" My mom was pretty mad.

    Another time my mom got called by some scam company called Melaleuca and she said that she needed to go to work and for them to call her back later. They said, "You buy our program and then you don't have to go to work." My mom was extremely mad about that one. She didn't buy into the scam but was surprised that they would actually tell people that.

    So when I deal with junk mail and telemarkers, I feel no remorse.

  4. I use to be a telemarkter and people messed with me all the time. It was the worst job I ever had!

    It's been 7 years since I did it and I never would want to again.

  5. OMG you HAVE to watch this video, lol. Someone emailed it to me once. I wish I could do this to a telemarketer without cracking up

  6. Want to know a great way to get rid of telemarketers? Unwanted phone s*x. They'll never call back again.

  7. LOL i hate telemarketers!

    what i usually do (because i live in australia) i ask where they are.

    they usually reply brisbane or sydney , then you say oh i used to live there ! what suburb?

    they usually say sorry i cant tell you,

    i say okay then hows the weather

    they try and change the subject

    and i keep nagging them untill they admit there in another country such as india,

    then i annoy them untill they hang up.

    after this you leave the phone off the hook, which means they cant call out which means happier people = ]

    and that they dont get paid  BAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH

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