
Telepathic. So if there is such a thing as this and you can communicate

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with someone else like this can you also FEEL what there feeling. like if you asked them a question wouldn't you know wha tthey were THINKING without evening having to tell you. cause sometimes I get confussed on how this all works if someone had an info that would be great.......




  1. You are talking about 3 different abilites there. I am an emphist. I can read peoples emotions. My bf can read what people are thinking, but what they are thinking coming in like visions to him, no words. Telepathic is different, you use words to talk to the person with your mind. But many many times 2 of the 3 combine. People have more then one ability. My bf has the ability of telekinesis as well, but he has not yet been able to unlock it. I hope that helped clear it out for you. :P

  2. An empathic person can also be a telepathic.. And yes they really exist... And there are a few mothers out that that does show telepathic skills when it come to their children..............  

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