

by Guest34287  |  earlier

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technology is improving as we speak.. and i just keep thinking...

Do you think that someday teletransportation can be possible?




  1. For A detailed answer with leading professor Q&A session u can Try this site

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  2. Depends what you mean by "teletransportation".

    If you physically transport all of the molecules, or even if you make exact copies, then you could have several copies of "you".  Which one would be "you"?


  3. well there could be a possibility

  4. Maybe some day in the distant future.

  5. Anything is possible in an universe with unlimited possibilities.

  6. There are stories? that for many years there have been instances of people teletransporting . Some were spiritual masters and other just plain people.

  7. quick answer - no!

    teletransportation works in theory in one of two ways, either an object could be 'scanned' and the position of every molecule, every atom and every sub-atomic particle stored in some massive super-computer then the data sent to a receiver and re-assembled by some fantastic machine or you could create a wormhole between two points and simply pop through it, the problem being that to create such a wormhole (and keep it stable) would require more energy than our sun will generate in it's entire life all mustered up in an instant, highly unlikely

  8. Have you been watching "The Fly"? :D

    One can envision this becoming a reality at some point in the future.  It's much easier for me to envision the transportation of inanimate objects.  You would need to somehow scan the object being transported and then use matter or energy at the other end to recreate the original object on the receiving end.  Of course a consequence of doing this is the ability to replicate and quickly create duplicates of said objects.

    As far as transporting something living (say an animal), is how do you recreate  the electrical implulses, chemistry and other dynamic properties.

    Before anyone starts giving me a thumbs down on this answer, just remember what was assumed about cloning 50 years ago...

  9. This has already been done on some very small objects

  10. yup. Actually scientists & technologists are working for the teletransportation. But they are not really focused on working in that kind of stuff. Because some of them are lacking hope to discover or build a teletransportation.
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