
Televisions that act as Monitors or/and Monitors that act as Televisions?

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I want to buy a Television or a Monitor which will do both jobs.

When I say both Jobs I mean both a TV and a Monitor.

Models and Links would be helpful

Also, if there aren't any of those types then is there a way of connecting a LCD/ HD TV to a computer?

Much is appreciated. Cheers!




  1. Yes very easy.  Most flat panels tvs you buy to day have a dvi  or analog input.  If you have a mac, you'll use the dvi converter to analog if the tv has only the analog input, and visa versa.  Whether its LCD, Plasma, or DLP, all will work.  Most PCs have a S-Video out, so you could even use that, though it is a lesser quality than the DVI and analog.

    Good luck.

  2. You can pretty much connect any HDTV to a computer as long as they have common interfaces.

    My advice is if you are going to be watching TV more than using the computer then get a TV.

    If you are going to be using the computer more, get a monitor and a video card with a TV tuner that will work for your computer.

  3. Check out Dell LCDS. Most of them have the connections that you require. They are also priced well.

  4. here are some list of products you can choose from.  

    1)Samsung SyncMaster 940MW - Perfect as dual TV/ Pc monitor

    2)ViewSonic® Corp, a worldwide leader of visual display products, has designed its Diamani DUO™ Series of widescreen high-definition LCD TVs that double as a precision desktop display

    3)Dell W1700LCD TV/Monitor

    4)LG displays TV-PC monitor combo

    or take a look on this link. good luck

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