
Tell Me Everything about my birth sign, not sure if its Libra or Virgo???

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I was born on September 23.

It'd be great if you could tell my anything and everything you know about my sign, whether it's Libra or Virgo.

I hear half the time that I'ma Libra, but every once in a while someone say's I'm a Virgo.






  1. You're a Libra on a Virgo cusp, which means you would have the characteristics of both.


    The Libran enjoys travel, sports as well as theatre. They enjoy nature, motion and have a real taste for the arts and entertainment. They are prone to engage in frivolity but are also very devoted.

    Librans tend to be strong supporters of equality, the rights of man an universal brotherhood. Unfortunately they tend to be fence sitters and seldom put their feelings into practice. Librans dislike injustice and pettiness but many times fail to apply these feelings to themselves. Though subtle in appearance, Librans are selfish and self willed and resent any intrusion into their thought, independence or action. Librans rend to be very intuitive but tend to let their prejudices and feelings cloud the true issues. They tend to show good intelligence except in matters of their own feelings. Emotionally Librans tend to be impulsive and have a hard time seeing an idea or proposition through to fruition.

    Librans have great imaginations and therefore may waste time daydreaming or putting themselves in imaginary roles.

    Planet: Venus

    Color: pink

    Number: 6 and 9

    Day: Friday

    Flower: pink rose

    Element: air


    Sometimes modest, and quite often shy, Virgo can be one of the most difficult mates to "land". It is not that they are playing hard to get, it's not that they are not interested, it's the shyness. Oddly, the more they like you, they more shy they behave around you! You won't find the modest virgo "flashing" anyone in the near future.

    They have a very keen and sharp intellect. They are methodical and extremely precise. Slow t make moves, as they analyse their knowledge, as to apply it usefully. They are practical and imaginative and develop skills that enable them to improve their being.

    Planet: Mercury

    Color: blue

    Number: 8 and 4

    Day: Wednesday

    Element: earth

    Flower: pansy

    September 23 Birthday

    Libras born on September 23 are energetic fact-finders. These highly verbal people combine a love of learning with good taste -- the hallmark of their sign. September 23 people manage to project an image of seriousness while still maintaining their charm. Though they may seem indecisive, it is simply their nature to weigh all aspects of a question.


  2. You are a libra on the virgo cusp. You are good with planning and organizing. You may even be good with money. You'd be a great entrepreneur. You are a passionate kisser and want someone to be just as passionate with you. You often fight for  the underdog and can catch h**l making up your mind. You are usually drawn to leo and sagittarius. Some people see you as bossy and argumentative. You also come off conceited because you tend to sit back and let others come to you.

  3. look it up here:

    hmm... It looks like you're both so find information on both of them and choose which one sounds more like you.

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