
Tell Me Your Camp Stories

by Guest44668  |  earlier

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I want to hear YOUR camp stories :) tell me funny pranks, amazing encounters and etc.

The best story I like will get 10 Points :D

Btw, I'm a sucker for a funny story :)




  1. We were on year 8 capm and we were there as seniors to help the year 8's. As usual, year eights are the most annoying creations on earth and think their SOOO great. So we told a ghost story about one of the abandoned cabins (It was abandoned casue there weren't enough of us to need to use it but they couldn't work that out) Anyway we told them ghost stories about it then dared them to spend the night in it. They spent the night in there were scared stiff by morning and then when the teachers checked the cabins they got in trouble for being out of bounds. Best of all, we spent the night in thier cabin, eating all their junk and making a mess that they got blamed for in the morning.

    I know this all sounds very cruel, but they were annoying and kept putting lizards in our food and  foodin our beds.  

  2. Well, me and my buddies went camping and we were shooting guns as well and while in the process of shooting a group of wild boars ran withing 20 yards of our camp.  Boars are dangerous, in packs they can attack, and there was defiantly enough to do some damage, well I saw them and raised a dinky little .22 pistol and was going to shoot between them, not shooting to kill.  Well it is illegal to hunt with a hand gun, so my friend though i was going to kill one and slapped my hand just as I shot and the bullet flew right at the main road that was really busy, about 100 yards away from camp, Well I'm not sure if it was me or not but I read the local paper while eating out on my way home and they said there was a road rage shooting that happened right next to where we were camping on the road, no one was injured of course, but I just thought it was either ironic or scary, d**n scary

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