
Tell about mountain soil in India?

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  1. These soils occupy about 2.85 lakh in the hilly regions of the country – described as soils in the making – found in the Himalayas and the other ranges in the north and high hill summits in the Sahyadris, Eastern Ghats and Peninsula – poor in potash, phosphorous – Temperate fruits, maize, wheat and barley are grown in Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh where soils are mostly podzols which are acidic in reaction.


    Rich in humus content.

    Dark brown or black in colour.

    Comparatively high fertility

  2. In Indian sub continents, the fountain ranges were formed by various geographical reasons such as land folds, Volcano's, etc. if you travel across India, you will find variety of soils like clay, white clay, desert sand, Latrite, Granite,etc. the soils near by the mountain is formed by the erosion of mountain stuff, which if eroded to the grounds due to the rains, there soils are the mountain soils found at the foot of mountains, mostly the mountain heads are not soil deposits unless erosion is protected by thick or mass plantation.

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