
Tell atleast 2-4 lines of a malayalam poem about mother or some famous quotings?

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or any relevant infomation about motherto add in a speech




  1. by Samantha Priestley, Jul 16, 2007

    You guided me through life. May I guide my children to be like you...

    You dried my tears,

    rocked me gently.

    You dabbed my cuts,

    and promised me safety,

    when I was small.

    You held your nerve,

    and watched me grow,

    let me find my way,

    let me blossom.

    You guided me through teenage years,

    kept time when I stayed out late.

    You taught me how to learn from my mistakes.

    Now I am a woman,

    and a mother too.

    I hope for my own children,

    I can be a mum as wonderful as you

    use the 1st stanza

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