
Tell her to get lost or not?

by  |  earlier

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I'll try to make this simple.ex gf dumps me six months ago.has since claimed she wants to be friends although we don't hang out or talk that often. she has not stopped txting me since the split. which has a lot to do with me responding to the txts. but anytime lately she txts me it's really to just feel sorry for her, she has some crazy c**p going on with her. her mom was diagnosed with cancer, and my ex's health is not great either. But I told her that she only contacts me when she feels lonely or like c**p and thats not much of a friendship. I left a couple voice mails in the past week after I tried calling her, to explain what I meant. She's avoiding me and last I heard from her she told me I wasn't being a friend by the stuff I said to her saying she's going through a lot with her mom. that being said we haven't hung out in half a year so I said if we were friends we woulda hung out or she would of at least called. So I'm calling her out on it because i don't want the txts from her anymore to get sympothy from me. Thats messed up, but I don't feel she wants friendship, its a pitty party. I called her when her mom was diagnosed with cancer because I'm an adult. So anyways what I'm looking for is some good advice on how to handle a situation like this. Do I appologize for how I handled her txting me bout her problems, or should I just toss all this aside and walk away. This girl will not talk this out with me on the phone which just annoys the c**p out of me, but will start this out of the blue txting.




  1. i dont wanna sound crude or harsh or nething but she isnt worth it nemore!! i would cut all contact with her asap or else u will keep those feelings bottled up inside if u keep talkng to her. Yeah her mom is sick just pay ur respects and wish her luck then thats it!!! after that no more talkng to ur ex gf shes just playin with ur head she ****** everything up between u guys so she can suffer the consequences...

  2. Ok I'll try to make the answer simple.  When she dumped you six months ago she didnt want you in her life anymore. the part about her wanting to be friends was just a way of making it easier for her and to keep you kinda what they say on the back burner she seems to have had some bad luck lately and since she found out the grass is not always greener on the other side she thinks you will be there for her you should just not text her back get your number changed and tell her to get lost she doesnt care enough to have you around when things are going good and god forbid you try to have another relationship with someone else and have her texting you that will just casue you more problems you know what you should do.

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