
Tell me, am I wrong?

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Ok so this whole summer, my friends have been ignoring me. They didn't invite me whenever they went out and ignored me when I invited them over to my house to hang. I feel so lonely and felt so ignored. I didn't say anything to them though about it, 'cause it sounds immature to be mad about not being invited anywhere =( . Then, suddenly one of them sends me a message apologizing about ignoring me and saying that she was busy all summer helping her parents. But I knew she was lying because on my facebook, i saw wall posts of my friends, inviting each other out and stuff. But they didn't include me.

I just told her I didn't care about it when she asked me if I was mad.

Is it stupid to be mad that they haven't included me in anything? I think I had another question. but i'm a little peeved right now to remember it lol.




  1. yes and you should ask for your coloring books and blues clues books back ASAP!

  2. It's not stupid to feel a little angry or even hurt about what your friends have done have done. Myspace & Facebook help out a lot, huh? :] Anyways, if they were really your friends they wouldn't be neglecting, avoiding, or lying to you! You should try to forget the whole incident and move on. I'm sure you have other friends that you can spend time with & that will appreciate your friendship a lot better.

  3. Wow, okay that first answer was a little unnecessary...

    i'm assuming that the person who asked this is a teenager, and so am i, so i can relate. middle school/high school can be really tough, especially on a girl so you shouldnt take this as a joke as it is a big deal to the asker!

    anyways.. you are not wrong to be angry. i have had previous situations like this with my friends, and i was so mad at them for not inviting me, but once i confronted them things just got worse. so invite all your friends to something at your house, and once you guys hit it off theyll probably think about how stupid it was for them to ignore u in the first place
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