
Tell me ANYTHING you know about 10-12 year olds?

by  |  earlier

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What are they into? What music, what game, etc..

How to keep them entertained?

How to be cool to them but disciplin at the same time?

Any tips about this would be cool, thanks! =>




  1. It really depends on the kid. Everyone is different so if your with a large group have a variety of activities and  music. Many people assume and will tell girls are into shopping and clothes and more girlish music and boys are into sports and video games but don't be fooled, when I was in that age group I was quite the tomboy, playing rugby and football and listening to hard rock (I was sort of Gothic too) which just shows to allow everyone to participate in everything you plan.  For discipline, be firm on the rules but don't baby them, try to treat them like adults and maturely since at that age thats how they want to be. Don't pester or nag them, or intrude on their personal lives. The like their privacy.

  2. im 11

    there into grown ups not getting in their face

    they like rap pop rock and hip hop

  3. Music-Jonas Brothers and Hannah Montana

    Game-Video Games

    You guys can do arts and crafts

    Tell them all the rules, but don't be a dictator!

    You guys can also make a pizza!

  4. they seem to like to watch the Disney channel

    if girl-talk about lip gloss, boys, clothes, entertainers such as usher

    if boys-talk about new video games,football,

    for disciplinee, just be real with them, explain to them why they are getting disciplin, and how maybe next time how they can react to the situation in which are being disciplined for

  5. Here are some bands that they are into: Green Day. Fall Out Boy. Avril Lavinge. Some 10-11 y/o like Hannah Montana. Not so sure about 12 y/o.

    Girls: Sports, disney channel, give them makeovers!

    Boys: Sports, GTA (Grand Theft Auto. They don't even CARE if it's rated M.) Video Games.

  6. Two Words. Hannah Montana.

  7. alot of my friends sisters and cousins and stuff are 10-12 years old or about that age. and ALL of them HATE disney channel and hannah montana especially, they also hate how people think they love it, for example..the people who answered before me. they also hate it when parents try to intrude and take a sudden interest in their life becuase they can assumer something is going on...wouldnt u hate it if your parents were snooping in your room and asking weird question you would only talk about with friends or siblings? and mii cousin is 12 and HATES MILEY CYRUS tooo

  8. You don't say whether you are the parent, which makes it difficult to know where you are heading with this question.

    You don't need to "be cool" to them. Pre-teens need boundaries, and if you give them firm boundaries mixed with lots of love and understanding they will appreciate it.

    More than anything they need acceptance. They need to know that the feelings that they start to feel are normal and that they are not a freak. Every p*****n struggles to find acceptance.

    Let them find acceptance at your house, otherwise they will turn to their peers.

  9. There coming into there teen years so they feel that they sometimes have all the answers boys tend to take to video games and outside and girls seem to take to malls,shopping and girl sleep-overs.

  10. They do not like to be treated like a little kid

    movies, skateboard parks, beach, lake, swimming in a pool

    video games

    make sure to keep boundaries if they do not listen try time outs or take away a fun activity. You are still the adult and they need to listen to you.

  11. Play card games,old maid,go fish,canasta,solitaire...

  12. video games

    bikes, skateboards


    baking foods for them


    taking them to a pet store

    pop music nowdays...

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