
Tell me: Do you seatbelt?

by  |  earlier

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HAHA. Make sure you seatbelt in the BACK as well. You don't want anyone to kill you when you're driving.




  1. Always.

  2. yes i wear my seatbelt.

  3. every time I get into a vehicle it's the first thing I do.

  4. As in a body flying forward?

    We always buckle up. I have since I started to drive oooooh so long ago.

  5. I wear my seat belt and I have my kids buckle up we do this every time we are in our car or anyone Else's care.

  6. It is the first thing that I put on after getting into my car............

  7. I sure do!

    Not to mention it is law here in Australia (I'm not sure about other countries).

    Plus as a rescue service volunteer...I've seen too many people, bodies destroyed beyond belief from being thrown from a car after a crash from no seatbelts...its something I never want to happen!

  8. Always

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