
Tell me a martial art story that happened to you.?

by  |  earlier

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I am searching for a real story that happened to somebody that did a martial art and can tell me something that happened and how they used the martial art to defend themselves.

Or if you did a martial art and you found that you could not defend, say it.

But I want REAL stories that happened to people when they did a martial art and was USING this art to try to defend themselves.

TEll me what the art was, and tell me how far you came.

I am doing an analysis on it, and would be very happy for you to give me that opportunity to study theses stories.

My best.




  1. When I was 17 (over 10 years ago) I had been taking Tang Su Do for about 2 years or so. I wasn't too bad. But when I got jumped I tried to do a side kick and misjudged distance. I just barely kicked the lead guy in the chest but it was weak, basically ineffectual. If I had judged distance properly this could have been a very nasty kick. Well, after that all five of them surrounded me and kicked me in the fetal position until they got tired. This was a very lousy experience but it did teach a sad lesson about martial arts: no matter how much you practice, your biggest enemy is going to be the fog and perceptual distortion that come along with any serious physical conflict. Changes everything.

    If I were training and he were a bag or a sparring buddy, I would have landed that kick no problem - but in the emotional and physiological fog that come along with a fight, precision can go out the window. Bummer. Wish I could go back in time on that one.

  2. Once I was in Karate, I was sparring with this person. He did an uppercut to my mouth and I forgot to block. Thats when my bracket on my braces fell off. My mouth hurt for days after and of course, I had to go to the dentist's.

    I know this is not the most exciting story, but it is still a martial arts story that has happened to me...good luck with you're story

  3. I have never been in a real fight, but I have used some of my techniques on friends if they are pissing me off. If they steal something and I give them 3 warnings to give it back, and I put them in a wrist lock or something :P

    I currently take Taekwon-do, Kickboxing, MMA grappling

  4. I've had to rely on my knowledge of aikido a few times before and most times with little ill effect.

    I've put a few people in  a joint lock or neck lock and by exerting a little pressure and a little threat I got a long way.

    the worse situation I have been in to date is about 1.5 years ago.  

    Returning from having a drink with friends I witnessed a young girl being hassled by 5 older guys, and from the looks of things they didn't have good intentions.  I quickly got their attention and asked them to back off.  the leader of the group started mouthing off to me and threatened me with a beating.  I quickly returned to a strategy lesson I was taught by a teacher of mine and put the guy in a joint lock when he swung a punch at me I threatened the rest of the group to hurt him but of no avail one of his "friends" actually swung a knife at me while his friend was still in between us.  end result... one guy with a dislocated shoulder and one with a broken wrist.

    I called the cops and those idiots actually tried to pin excessive force on me.

    I was taught a wise lesson.

    be careful with what you know the long arm of the law is not always as understanding as the rest of society

  5. there are these evil ninja warlords that follow me everywhere.

    to like school and ****. its ******* annoying.  i do tae kwon do and have a yellow belt so whenever they p**s me off, i give them 5 warnings and then i kick them in the arm pit.  i usually aim for the head but tae kwon do doesnt teach me jack **** so i dont know how to kick up there.

    but yeah i always gets in fight with these guys like everyday and its rele S****y.  tae kwon do has done a lot for me

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