
Tell me a quick story about a time in your life when your perception about your friend changed 10 points!?

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this is for a school proj. so keep it pg thanx a bunch!




  1. ok, so i was in the IT group you could say (middle school), and this girl was like THE popular girl and i was her "best friend" (i was new that year) and so we became friends, but she had had fights with other people and would get mad if i like was friends with them, but she's fun and stuff and i guess i wanted to be popular and stuff, she's like the girl who makes you feel important, anyway, she always controls people and lets say she got mad at someone else in our group, no on would really talk to that person, i did it too, and i know it was totally retarded. anyway, we got in a couple of fights, and even if it was her fault, i always apoligized, i guess she always find a way to turn it around and make it look like its your fault, plus she doesnt talk, she gets mad and acts like a total *****. anyway, i had a boyfriend, and i was gonna break up with him, and she told him that, and i thought that was super MEAN to me AND to him, and so i confronted her about it, and she didnt say anything, after tha i was talking to y mom about it and she was like"like always, she's gonna turn it around on you" and she did, first she denied talking to him and then she said she only said that i said me and him needed to "talk" (yeah, quotation marks included) so to me, saying "talk" is kinda ovbious, and i told her NOT to say anything. and we got in a huge fact and she kept saying like i fckn lst a best friend and blah blah and saying it was my fault! of course, swearing non stop. and so we stopped talking, and then i realized everything she had done all along, and how dumb i had acted, to i apoligized to a lot of people i had been rude for no reason and got myself feelign great, then she texted me and she was like 'i would still be your friend if you see where i am coming from" i didnt tex her back, cause it was like ill be your friend if you understand ME, like, you can have your own opinions. and so we didnt talk, then the first day of high school came along and i met a lot of new people and it was great, and then she texted me again and she was like 'if you want to talk im here" and i didnt text her back ovbiously, cause I dont need to apologize, she does, anyway, so then her soccer friend who is new and i never talked to her was with her, and that girl i got in a fight with pretended to be her friend to her friends aim, and she was like "i think you need to appoligize no offecne" and i was like"yeah, i dont think so" (i knew they were together" and then i said "oh, i know you guys are togheter" and she said "i think you need to fckn apologize cause youre wroung"  except im not. anyway, so it was the dance and i hung out with the other girls and they're such a closed group and ont make new friends, and all the guys hang wth us, and so my life is soo much better, and, what happened with me has happened with other girls and will happen with her new friends. so yeah, that's what happened.

    hope you get an A+

  2. A friend and I had a hobby of model airplanes.  We agreed to temporarily trade engines.  I could never get his to work and eventually I asked to trade back.  He simply refused and said there was nothing I could do about it.  It hurt and puzzled me as to why he would throw away a friendship over such a small thing.  We never did much together after that.  

    James Wood, if you're out there, tell me why you did that!!

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