
Tell me a story?

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Anything you'd like to say. If anythings on your mind say it. ANYTHING.




  1. this is from a story i'm writing about a girl that wakes up after 2 years in a coma.

    if you were to travel around the world, and never passed any historical or famous places, you would keep track of your location by the fast food venues.

    at least that's what i did. but the long ride home from the hospital made every burger king and wendys blend together into one big blur. the last time i remembered coming down that highway, some of the buildings didnt even exist. it was like they put them up overnight. that's what i wished anyway. if only this was some sort of huge prank and all these buildings were fake and we were really just driving to some big party where i would find out i'd gotten punk'd or something.

    i wished upon awakening from a coma would have made me a naive, optimistic ray of sunshine. instead it seemed to make me a pessimistic character that reminded me of eeyore from winnie the pooh. the buildings seemed to pass by faster and faster and with each building i didnt remember i felt like i was going to throw up more and more.

    "honey, do you feel okay?" mom glanced over at me with a worried look on her face. i took a quick look at myself in the side mirror. i was white as a sheet. then we passed a wal mart i'd never seen before.

    i managed to choke out a quick 'pull over' before i opened the car door and just let go. i gasped in a breath and tried to spit out the foul taste in my mouth. i noticed then that my mom was rubbing my back softly; that made me feel a little less like i was about to fall apart. the world seemed to spin as i came up and shut the car door.

    "mom, can i cry?"

    "i dont know, can you?" she leaned over and brushed my hair out of my face and handed me one of the bottles of water she always kept in the car. in my head i made a little note of how it was something that hadn't changed. i took a gulp and swished it around in my mouth and then opened the door again and spit it out. the bad taste was almost gone.

    closing the door again, i felt the tears coming. i tried to stop them but after about a half second of trying i just let them come.

    "mom, t-tell me what happened. i've heard it a thousand times, b-but i need to hear it from you for r-r-real," i managed to blubber between the gushing tears, "what happened?"

  2. this morning i begun answering questions about mythology,

    then i begun to recall that i had seen some creatures before

    once in our yard i had seen a dwarf


    on early morning, i had seen two small creatures playing, they look like earth colored statue


    one late morning, i had seen the devil talking to a naked man in the farm

    and lastly,

    i had seen jesus christ standing on the church rostroom, he is turning around and slowly disappearing at the same time


    am asking myself if i have mental disorder, this things happened when i was in high school

  3. The Malusian Empire is one of the main factions in the  Realm Wars universe. It is a tyrannical, Middle Earth-spanning regime established by the realm's' leading overlord, Alus, to replace the Gondor Republic. The Malusian Empire is introduced in the Second Age. The Empire also span into The Third Age , and into the Fourth Age

    The Empire's origins are explained in The Fourth and Fifth Chronicles, where it replaces the Gondor Republic in the midst of the great  War against the Elves orchestrated by Alus, then the Republic's Supreme Generalisimo . In the events towards the end of the war, Alus appoints himself Emperor in the midst of protest from the the Republic Senate and Queen Victoria,were in afterwards saw the conquest of the gondor republic and the overthrow of queen Victoria. By the time of The Second Age, the Empire has transformed into a totalitarian regime.


    The Malusian Empire is born out of the Old Gondor Republic. However, the seeds of change are planted during the Elvish Wars, the epic war between the Human kingdom of Gondor and the Confederacy of the Elves and Dwarves depicted in the Third Chronicle

    When the extent of the Elvish threat becomes clear, the Old Gondorian Senate, the legislature of the Republic, grants Alus emergency powers to deal with the War. This conflict allows Alus to remain in power long after his term as Lord Protector officially expires. Alus promises to return his powers to the Senate once the war is won against the Elvish League. He takes advantage of the conflict to greatly increase his power until by 160 a.e, he is practically a dictator.

    The Queen begin to distrust Alus's motives, fearing he has come under the influence of a Dark Lord named Belluca . Her concerns are shared by several Senators and Magistrates, who suspect Alus may not return his powers to the State as promised. Among them are some who had long supported Alus, Indeed, Alus has sent out governors to oversee the various provinces of the Republic, buttressed by legions of elite troops. The Chronicle eventually reveals that Alus and the Dark Lord Belluca are one and the same, and that he has been manipulating the Republic and the Elves against each other.

    When the Palace Guard Knights discovers Alus true identity, the Knights try and fail to arrest him. Many heroes intervenes on Alus behalf notably Braveheart,SpiderKing,Mark,Morphius  

    among others Alus then converts them, making them his Dark Lords.

    Alus declares the Senate along with the Queen as traitors and enemies of the Republic. Secure in his power and position, Alus reorganizes the Republic into the Malusian Empire, with himself as Malus and Emperor enternus. Shortly prior to this declaration,Alus declared war on the Republic. In a matter of months, nearly all republican armies are wiped out across gondor.

    The majority of the human population enthusiastically supports Alus "safe and secure society", although a few, like the remnant supporters of the old republic, realize that the "freedom" enshrined by the Republic is in serious jeopardy.

    Led by the Dark Lords, the Malus Army of emperial troops  all but exterminate the republic. During the first decades of the Empire, Gondorium is rebuilt as the Imperial Center and Capital

    [edit] Organization of power

    Emperor Alus rules the Empire with absolute power, with third-in-command Morphius as Grand Generalisimo to run the Empire day to day. Marian Sadako is the Emperor's second-in-command as well as the Executor the secrety state police the Magisterium and Supreme Commander of the Imperial Armies.

    Alus dissolves the Senate  because the Empire discovers several seats in the Senate are actually taken by members of the Republican factions. However, the Senate had been a powerless advisory body for some time; real power is in the hands of sector governors (DarkLords) and priority sector Grand DarkLords such as Grand DarkLord Perena. Eventually, the regional governors are granted direct control over their territories after Alus disbands the Republican Senate.

    In Fourth Chronicles,SpiderKing explains the Empire's philosophy as "rule through fear of force rather than force itself". The instrument of this power is the military, which includes the Immortalis troops, Orc Troops, Sandtroops, Auxilliary Troops, Snowtroops, and a large arsenal of intimidating war machine such as the Imperial Army's new cannons and the musket rifles which are intended in part to spread fear as well as destroy the enemy. This policy reaches its zenith some 80 years later with the construction of the space warships aswell as airial fighters and Death Star, a planet-sized superweapon. Plans for the Death Star first appear in in the third age; Construction begins in 286 a.e would last approximately 200 years.


    [edit] Imperial leaders







    Raymund Sword




    Conan Belarius

    Lastic Man

    Marian Sadako


  4. We join our hero now,as he is pissing in someones cornflakes.
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