
Tell me about Britain please???????????????

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Can you tell me more about Britain?

1) how is their people? ( are they selfish , are they friendly and more)

2) Is the country safe? ( are there a lot of killers or thief )

3) How is the environment? ( is there a lot of pollution )

4) how is the tax? ( do they have high tax )

5) Is there a lot of tourist attractions?




  1. 1. Mostly friendly, apart from the muslims but you cant really call them British

    2.It is quite a safe country, genially very polite people

    3. low pollution. Britain has one of the last great wilderness. The Scottish Highlands. They are reintroducing wolfs,bears,lynx,moose and beaver. All of these animals once roamed the country.

    4. The tax changes through out the year.

    5. There is tonnes of tourist attraction, to many to write down. I think the best one is stone henge. Create by cave man no-one knows what it was used for.

  2. It is very different all over.  Even small distances.   There is a low murder rate compared to the US.  The tax is not as high as a lot of European countries.  There is certain to be something you would find interesting.

  3. Britian is a big place you know. its difficult to limit the whole country into just one word.

    1. i think we're polite (we may hate you inside but on the outside we will treat you like royalty), we have a good sense of humour, generous, sarcastic, short tempers, like a good drink, welcoming, on the whole a pretty decent bunch

    2. the county has a few threats here and there from terrorist groups (gordon brown had an assination plot against him recently), there is a lot of immigration which ultimately causes more people to be racist and the immigration brings violence from the country they once lived in. However, the police and security is very strong as well. after the london bombings within a day it was all cleared up and they had captured 7 men for the charge. they foil a lot of attacks as well, we had very good security so we can feel safe knowing that our intelligence is very effective.

    3. the pollution isnt as bad as other countries like china and the USA but it could definitely be improved. the country is very full up and crammed so more people can cause more pollution. London isnt very clean but it isnt extremely dirty, its clean for a capital city. the countryside is very clean and a lot of country folk dont use as much fossil fuels. however, we deal with pollution by introducing the congesttion charge - which basically taxes big lorries and gas guzzling viechles within a particular area of London and we encourage using bicycles and public transport.

    4. quite high. things are more expensive as well. the tax is high because we are very socialist. taxes go to support the NHS, disabilty benefits, unemployment benefits, pregnancy benefits etc. we support everyone in the country and because of that we have to pay more. quite fair really.

    5. YES. the country is extremely old. theres Big Ben in London, The Docks and Beatles museum in Liverpool, The Angel of The North In Newcastle, Roman Settlements all over the place etc. England is historic and (i believe has the most popular and famous tourist attractions in the world.

    hope i helped =]


  4. 1  I like to think that us English are a friendly bunch, of course we have the odd selfish one but every country has them.

    2  Compared to America and a lot of other countries our crime rate and murder rates are relatively low and i have always felt safe in England , remember our police force are still an unarmed force so it cant be that bad can it ? .

    3  Our country is very conscious of its carbon footprint  and is always trying to reduce pollution. Our major cities obviously have a degree of pollution like all cities but our countryside is a breath of fresh air and is a pleasure to visit.

    4  Tax is our downfall , we are literally taxed on absolutely everything and as a result everything is very expensive. Thankfully wages are quite high to help compensate the tax so it is still possible to live a decent life over here.

    5  Yes , what ever you are looking for we have it . history , heritage , museums, stately homes , castles, the list is endless  and there is something for everyone.

  5. 1. well the people are all different. You have Selfish people, you have more kind people and you have evil people. Its like everywhere really.

    2. well, I think that there have been problems in the past with the whole bombing things going on but I think that it's become safer (abit) But still needs work.

    3. Yes there is. Where I live, it's really over populated because of migration (btw, I live in britain) So yh it is quite populated. It's quite dirty also. we'll need to work on that. Bacuase of the bombings, bins have been taken away so we need to increase the amount of those.

    4. I don't know. It depends on what number you think is high. It's OK I suppose.

    5. There are alot of tourist attractions there yes. The london Eye, Big Ben to look at, River Thames, London Dungeons ect. So yes there are alot in the centre of London.

    Hope I helped! :)

  6. 1) Theres so many different cultures in Britain, no one is the same as one another. So some of us will be selfish, some friendly. But british people are normally well known for there good humour.

    2) Where i live way out in the country side, you neevr here of any theifs of killers. But as in many big cities, like London and Manchester, the crime is quite high. But with a decent trained police force; that keep the country safe, its a nice place to live in.

    3) in the main bigger cities there are a lot of fumes from the factories, but going out into the country, its mostly farm land.

    4) Yeah; england is probably one of if no the most expensive country to live in, in the UK. but having a high tax, goes towards, hospitals, the police, making the roads better, so its all to make are country a nicer lace.

    5) Yeah with all the history britain has to offer, there are many famous tourist attractions.  

  7. 1. the same as everywhere else, you get both selfish and friendly

    2. more safe than other countries but we get our fair share of killers and thiefs

    3. cities like london have high pollution, britain does have nice countryside

    4. the tax in britain is very high and ridicioulus

    5. there is a lot of tourist attractions

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