My husband, daughter, and I plan to move to NZ. Reading YA I stumbled upon a glowing report on Dunedin. :)
My husband is an electrician and has been filling out an Expression of Interest to move to NZ as a Skilled Migrant. I hear tell that Dunedin is growing, so that's promising.
We love the outdoors so suggestions on places to visit with our baby daughter and our 2 dogs (Labs) would be great.
I know Dunedin's a university you ever have problems with unruly students?
Seeing as we have a growing family and dogs are there any areas of town (or outside town) you suggest living?
Rumour is that the weather there isn't that great. Compared to where I live in Wyoming USA it's probably wonderful often do you get snow and how long does it usually stay? What about rain? (we've had several feet of snow since's finally melting. But now we've had rain almost non-stop for the past 3 weeks. LOL)