
Tell me about Italy per fovore?

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Ciao mi chiamo Leah and I really want to check out Italy. Ive fallen inlove with the culture and im learning italian. Can someone tell me about a nice place in italy or just tell me a magical story or expericence you had there? Also is it just a rummor that italians like black girls? Ive got light brown skin, hazel eyes, and golden hair would i be treated as an outsider or would i be accepted by the fellos? Please tell me about italy!! About EVERYTHING. Dating life for a little lady like me, the best places to live, and experiences. Italy here i come! (dont be afraid to tell me about the bad stuff) and please if you know anything about italian guys feel more than free to tell me haha




  1. People is very warm and kind with foreigners. Lots of amazing food of course, and I dont know about guys liking black girls, Im Latin and I had a nice time over there. I think in general they are more expressive, not like Germans that are quite serious when a girl like them. Unfortunately sometimes was alone on the street and guys where kind of ... 'rude'. Saying things to me and all that stuff but they never approached to me more than the normal. At summer Italy is hot as h**l, so take with you the correct clothe.


  2. i have been living in italy since 1991.. the year where i was born.. yes i'm italian and i apologise since now if you find some word written wrong in this answser!!

    so let's start from the beginning: nice place to visit in italy..

    if you want a culture city go to rome.. there you can find culture, religion, but also a lot of shops expecially in via condotti (one of the main streets, but also very expensive!!)..

    if you want a romantical place go to venice.. it's a gorgeaus city.. when i went there i really enjoy going in the "gondola" on all the canals and i loved piazza san marco with many birds.. after you can move on verona.. the city of romeo and giuliette.. there is their home there, their balcony.. very beautiful.. if you wish only amusment... you have to go to Emilia romagna.. Rimini, ravenna ecc... on rimini there are fantastic beaches, disco, aquapark, there is also an amusment park called "Italia in miniatura". you can go on ravenna there and visit "mirabilandia"!!

    in the south italy you cna go on naple, but also in sicily.. the best beaches are in sardinia, but also in calabria where i live.

    let's talk about guys. some of them like tanning girls or black.. but a lot of them like blonds girls with blue eyes.. guys are beautiful in general expecially in summer when the are tanned!!

    i hope to have satisfied you..

    can you give me 10 points??

    ciao ciao baci!!

  3. Ciao I'm Italian and i live near Milan...if you want to have amazing experiences you should live in big cities not only       the capital (Rome) or Milan Venice Florence but there are also cities not well known but important in Italy..I suggest not to live in villages unless they are near a big town like where i live...Besides Italian guys look at every girl,black or white,and they love foreigner don't worry and have fun!=]

  4. I can tell you that Italian guys are cool and cute, it's not that they like "balck girls". Darling, Guys like Girls; white, black or even green :D. I'm an Egyptian girl and Italian guys looks (kinda) like Egyptian guys (maybe a little more handsome ;) me thinks haha) .

    I lived in Rome and Florence for a while and i fell in love with Florence, but i wanted to go to Venice and Pisa but i didn't have much time due to studying matters, would love so much to visit Italy again and visit all these cities, though. Italy is an AMAZING country .

    Hope you enjoy your trip.

  5. italy is FABULOUS. i currently go to university in rome [i was born here, moved to CA, and moved back because i love it so much].

    i love all of the major cities here, but of course rome is my favorite. florence and venice are truly magical, and milan is so fashion forward it's almost ridiculous. southern italy has beautiful beaches and has great weather.

    my magical experience:

    i came back to italy to check out my university when i was 17. while i was there i met a guy on the tour named giovanni who was from milano. we hit it off really well and hung out a few times [i was there for a month]. we exchanged emails and chatted a few times but that was it. on the first day of class we ran into each other and hung out again. from then on we've been inseparable and we've been dating for 14 months. :)

    you won't be treated like an outsider here just because of the color of your skin. some italians do not like the moroccons because there are a lot of illegals, but you should be fine.

    best places to live are the major cities. they are the most diverse and always have something going on. however, it is very expensive and there are a lot of tourists. you get used to it though.

    italian guys are the best looking in the world. they are definitely more forward and do not hesitate to stare, but if you ignore them or tell them NO firmly, they will back off.

    hope i helped!

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