
Tell me about Russia...?

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How is their culture?

Do they like Americans?

Any info...





  1. Well, Russia is divided into two sections: One part of Russia, with it's capital and practically its most famous city, St. Petersburg, is part of Europe. The other part, which is the most part, is in Asia. The two parts are divided by the Ural Mountains. Russia's main religion is Russian Orthodox. Other minor religions there are some Christians and some Muslims. The Russian letters look kinda Greek. Most of Russia is covered by a section called Siberia. St. Petersburg, the famous Russian city, is famous for some of its historic buildings such as the Church on the Spilled Blood, St. Isaac's Cathedral, The Hermitage, and the Summer and Winter Palaces. St. Petersburg's main street is called Nevski, with its main river, the Neva R. During the summer, daylight hours in Russia can be extremely long. At 11:00 PM, the sun is still setting! At 1:00 AM or 2 AM, it only BEGINS to be dark! Also, in St. Petersburg, there is a Baskin Robins, a McDonalds, an Ikea inside one of the malls, and a Cbarro's Pizzerria. People can drink a lot of vodka and wine because it gets cold in Russia. I also heard that Russia is famous for caviar, sour cream, and honey. During the mid 20th century, a dictator named Franz Josef Stalin took control of Russia. During WW2, Stalin made an alliance with Hitler, but was soon broken. Russia was then part of the Allied powers, which included the US, UK, France, and China and fought against Hitler in Germany, Musolini in Italy, and Japan (only the US, not the Europeans).

    Also, I've heard that there was a list of countries rated by their safety in 2007. In the bottom 10, Russia was #10 (so I think it can be a bit unsafe).

    Hope this helps!

  2. Whats your name, Girl?

    My country is not so unsafe and dirty. Bears don't walk in Russian cities. Russians don't dreank vodka every day. Balalayka is not only instrument that Russians can play.

    I invite you next winter in my city! You'll see how we live etc.

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