
Tell me about london :)?

by  |  earlier

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hey can you tell me about mainly the shopping and fashion in london, and are the people nice, hot guys? how expensive is it. and high schools, ?? i might be taking an exchange their in gr 10 for a year.. sshould i? or what are some other places. ps. is london really busy?




  1. the fashion is amazing. really, you can dress however you want and not get dirty looks like in the US. if you want to look "in" with fashion there kate moss and sienna miller are great influences for style. the guys are gorgeous and the accents make them even hotter. the one problem is really the weather. it rains and it's gray a lot.

  2. London is great for fashion and shopping.  Just about every store you could imagine is somewhere in the city.  There are shopping areas, like Oxford Street, in the city center that have loads of shops all in once place and they range from designer threads to affordable stores like H&M.  For the most part the people are nice if you meet up with them in restaurants, etc.  But like any city people can seem rude on the streets and on the public transportation.  The trick is to not look like a tourist - this means don't be too loud and don't obviously look at a huge map in the middle of the street.  The first time I went to London was for an exchange when I was in grade 10 and I LOVED it.  I became hooked on the city right away.  I couldn't get enough of the shops, culture, theatre and food.  I think you should definitely go on your exchange.  The city is expensive, like any city, but it's not hard to find ways to save money by shopping at cheaper places, buying groceries for meals instead of always eating out and looking for sales.

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