
Tell me about the Brazil, would yuo like to live there? What do you think?

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Tell me about the Brazil, would yuo like to live there? What do you think?




  1. i am half brazilian and ive been there i love everything there

  2. Yes, I would love to live in Brazil.  I visited there several years ago and was impressed by the beauty of the land and people.

  3. In all honesty, i would not wish too live there 24/7 but i would spend say a summer there, it seems exotic compared too the things in a America, things are handed too us so easy too actally have too work pretty hard for what you have seems like a rewarding challenge too me. But i deff. would not like too have that challenge all of the time.

  4. The word that best describes Brazil is "diversity".  It is a beautiful country!  I have been going there every year for the past 37 yrs., and currently live there during our winter months here.  The temperature is always great!  No matter what you wish to find you can find within the country.  If I had to give up my dual citizenship and choose a country in which to live I would most definitely choose Brazil.  I do custom tours to Brazil, and everyone that has gone there is always dually impressed and adores the country and its people.

  5. Not only would I like to live there, I do.  I prefer the Northern part versus the Southern.  Much warmer.  The people there are very friendly, and its also cheap to live there, thats probably the best part.  Also excellent beaches and beautiful women.

  6. are you kidding me, another brasilian asking americans what they think about Brasil. im gonna get sick...

  7. h**l yea i would live there

    1 of the most beautiful places on earth

  8. Hi dear!

    Live in Brazil? Yes, I live in Brazil.

    It is an incredible country with adorable people. A strong people, who never gives up to fight for a better life. We have problems as everybody, but who does not have? It is not really easy to live here, everything is very difficult. I do not change this country for nothing.

  9. I think about living there everyday.  I have done so for about 10 months.  I want to live in the Amazon and every once in a while visit the city.

  10. I'm Brazilian, I will tell you Brazil is wonderful!

    The best way you find out, you spend some time there then get your own conclusion.

  11. My dream is to have a architecturally modern Eco - friendly house if not in Rio but overlooking it with alot of acres of land for like a organic farm and rescued animals and for like a summer home or when ever i get to go down there yes Brazil is high in crime but i want to do alot of thing to help that country and be a active member of reforming it I'm not worried i think its so beautiful from the people to the land its like my version of heaven even with all the bad stuff it has many good things that make up for it

  12. I did live there for several months....overall my experience my very positive.  The majority of the people were very nice and fun.  I have several friends there who I consider to be family.  I love the culture: the music, the food, the futebol.  I loved to see the sights - it is quite different from where I live, to go from a fairly desert-like region to the greenery of Brasil was amazing.  Sure, there are some problems there (disparity between economic classes, corruption, etc) but I think you could  find that just about anywhere.  I would love to return to visit or live for a while.

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