
Tell me about the Masonic tie with illuminati, builderbergers, and our body politic in general.?

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Tell me about the Masonic tie with illuminati, builderbergers, and our body politic in general.?




  1. I personally don't think there is one. The Illuminati was started by Adam Hausphat <sp?> in the 18th century! Its gone now. The Bilderberg is a hotel where dignitaries meet to talk bout world affairs. Our body politic is the Neoconservative party of the Bush Whitehouse.

    Are they Freemasons? Maybe. Most of our presidents were even George Washington was. Is the Skull & Bones Society a dangerous secret Freemason related organization that secretly rules America (Russell Trust Yale Univ. New Haven CT). Undoubtedly it does. But all of these modern conspiracy theorists are piecing together anecdotal and fragmented data and coming up with WILD half-wit theories.

    I personally believe there is a major globalist conspiracy being secretly conducted by this Yale group in conjunction with other globalist entities. I think they have a one world view they developed shortly after the Vietnam war while they were still in college avoiding the draft. They have accomplished most of their stated goals detailed in the Wolfawitz Plan.

    David Walker our Accountant General at GAO wholeheartedly believes someone in high office is trying to bankrupt our country within the next 10-years. Why? So it can be handed over to another governmental authority which spans the globe? Maybe! But these half-wit conspiracy nuts don't have a clue. Most are high-school dropouts or pseudo-intellectual wannabes and blind followers of Alex Jones and his nut bag Protestant minister friend/mentor.

    Something is afoot and Alex has been stumbling his way through it like a loose cannon rolling out of control down a steep slippery slope. He's not uncovering ANYTHING new. He's just stirring up the hornets nest making them go deeper in to institutionalized secrecy. And they like it that way. Keeps everybody off balance and confused.

    Freemasons are generally clueless about the big picture. They have their apron, secret occult bones and skull, and goat rituals and they are happy. Their upper echelon may know plenty what's going on but they will never say UNDER PAIN OF DEATH as they say...

  2. Oh, sigh, here we go again.  There is no "tie" between Freemasons and any satanic group.  Considering all the corruption and moral decay displayed in our political arena, I have to doubt that very many of our politicians are Masons.  If they were, there would be a much more ethical congress!  Freemasons are not a satanic society; they are not a secret society...they are a private organization (or fraternity, if you will).  I have found there is very little point in responding to questions of this are not looking for enlightenment, but for someone to bolster your point of view.  But I have been privileged to know many Masons in my life...all moral, principled, spiritual men...and I can not prevent coming to their defense in any way I can.

    Ah, I just cannot leave this alone.  Had to come back to add these thoughts:  There have always been those who oppose fraternal orders, and when the objections of such individuals or groups have ended in fragmentation, they have always resorted to classifying Freemasonry as a "secret" order with the implication that "secret" is also corrupt, deceitful, or sinful.  Freemasonry requires a belief in God, and while it is religious in its concepts, it is not a religion or a substitute for the Church. The Masonic Ritual teaches responsibility to God and dependence on God, and should therefore strengthen one's loyalty to his church. A Mason's political beliefs are his own, although they must conform to good citizenship. Even a member running for public office has no right to expect the support of other Masons merely because he is a Member of the Lodge.

  3. A good source would be to read Angels and Demons by Dan Brown.  He has a lot of tidbit info about illuminati in that.

  4. there is none. period. it is as simple as that.

  5. It's all in the Di Venice code.

  6. The Illuminati were an 18th Century off-shoot of the Masons, hoping to become a secret controller of everything.  They appear to have failed in this.  The Bilderbergers are a 20th Century phenomenon, mainly into manipulating the economy.

    The USA began with heavy Masonic influence, with Washington and many of the other Founders being Masons.  The eye over the pyramid on the back of the one dollar bill is a Masonic emblem.

    If any of these groups really control the world they are doing a pitiful job.

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