
Tell me about the issues that matter to you.?

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Tell me about the issues that matter to you.?




  1. The issues that matter to me are:

    1. Individual civil liberties

    2. Economic freedom

    3. Non-interventionist foreign policy

    4. End to the War on Terror

    5. End to the Drug War

    6. Ending government subsidies (agricultural price supports, corporate subsidies in form of tax breaks, tax credits)

    7. Return to the Constitutional republic

  2. 1. economy

    2. environment

    3. war

  3. Too much government..

    We have

    1. City Government

    2. County government

    3. State government

    4a.. Federal government.( elected))

    4b.  Federal Government ( enmtrenched bureaucracy))

    and if that isn't enough,

    5. The local school board.

    Doesn't it appear we have more than enough government to go around.???

  4. West is still naive about a religion with an agenda.

    Do not be fooled by the seemingly moderates among them. They have what can be called as temporary moderates who will change colors as soon as the wind is favourable.

  5. you wanna know what issues matter to me?

    out country is rotting from the inside out because people can't step off their own little platforms long enough to see anyone else. instead of acting like a small piece of a greater whole (called America), people are acting like a small whole in a great big cluster f*****k.

  6. 1. Gas prices and drilling

    2. Progressives (I HATE THEM!)

    3. The future of America

    4. The protection of my liberty-s***w big gov't!

  7. 1. National Defense

    2. Universal health care

    3. Non-fossil fuel initiatives and incentives

    4. College Tuititon Assistance

    5. National Policy on Juvenile Justice.

  8. Regulatory rules issued to the Fed by Congress.

  9. Taxes, the strength of the dollar, an educated foreign policy not based on the public's perception of Iraq, and a long term energy policy.

  10. At loss and blurr.

    On who's short-changing , conning and deceiving little children with self lack of knowledge in broad daylights.

    That their descendant who was  priates in the 18th century today were hero of self independence of the country.

    When the country gained self independence in the 60's

    Without the Liberation of Freedom of world war two.

    In running the colonial ruler out of town.

    After world war two.

    With cheap-skate ghostly stories on glory and success of self independence.

    While tribe with non-existence rights of original descendant were  rebels in those days.

    Today were tribe of a Rudeness tribe

    With cheap-skate ghostly sttories.

    That artiffacts from the graveyards in Arabic  of arab trader passing by in time.

    Being passed of as  descendant of original descendant.

    When  National language was created in the 60's - 70s.

    Being passed off as tribe with non-existence rights of original descendant with 30 % equity rights in kicking the butts of own children own community and children of all tribes of different community with self lack of knowledge in own backyards.

    Luke 3-7-9

    What do you think?

  11. Gas affects so many other things that it is the number one thing on my hate list right now.

    Corporate rule brought on by the GOP is always a constant irritation point as well. Fix those two and I'm a generally happy guy.

  12. 1. Gun control

    2. Iraq

    3. Economy

    4. Abortion

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