
Tell me about this quote by Dennis Banks-leader of AIM? What it saying about and when ?

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They call us the New Indians, h**l, we are Old Indians, the landlords of this continent, Coming to collect the rent...




  1. The quote as you have it dates from 1990 and is a book called "Lakota Woman". By Mary Crow Dog and Erdoes

    The "landlords" part exists from 1972-73 but I cannot locate a source other than a New York times article.

    The early use was and likely is bitterness, irony that the first

    Europeans should have been paying for the land from the start.

  2. Dennis Banks

    Aka, Nowa Cumig, is an Elder of the Anishinabe Nation and lives at beautiful Leech Lake Indian Reservation, Leech Lake, Minnesota. His vision of joining the races through education and teaching respect for our Earth Mother was the seed from which sprang Nowa Cumig Institute. Mr. Banks has been a proponent of Indian rights all his life. Co-founder of the American Indian Movement, he has led marches, walks, sobriety events, and volunteered his time for various functions too numerous to mention in the name of education and freedom. He has acted as a counselor for drug and alcoholism and worked with indigenous communities all over the world.

    What he means is that his people where here first and when the white man came they pushed out the Indians and the Indians lost their land.  To make a long story short, they feel that now is their time to collect their dues.

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