
Tell me about veganism?

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-What made you do it?

-How do you deal with peoples comments?

-Tell me, do you HONESTLY judge meat eaters and get mad when they judge you or do you hate people who judge you and don't judge others?

-Worst thing that somebody as said/done to you?

p.s. i am a vegan =DD




  1. -I was in kindergarden, and as soon as i realized that "pork" was pig and "beef" was cow, i just couldn't eat it

    -I don't really take it to heart. I'm used to it, having been one since i was very little. If they tell me it's stupid, i just explain and use examples of real facts and statistics.

    -I don't really judge meat eaters, because the reast of my family eats meat. But i can't help but be annoyed when people roll their eyes at my eating habits.

    -a friend one time told me to try some noodles, and then after i did she laughed and told me it was meat. also, my brother bugs me all the time and loves eating meat very messily..

  2. my father used to slaughter our own chicken,bulls and we had to eat them, i had to control every urge i had to throw my meal in their face and tell them how horrible it  was, sometimes id refuse to eat our animals, but it was that or starve. when i was an adult i became aware of the health benefits and went vegan to a year ago, i now also eat free range eggs.

    To be honest noones ever made bad comments to me, and ifthey have its never upset me. im usually the first to joke with others so they feel at ease with me, it works well. for example, when buying a pizza, i tell the man to beef it up without the beef, and laugh with them.

    i never judge meat eaters, i couldnt care less if they eat meat, as long as they dont cook it in my kitchen, thats my only quirk. i think id have to throw out anything in my house if meat touched it. ick.

    noones said  anything bad, i get the opposite, im a tactful person, and people r very nice to me,  many are interested and are very curious and ask a lot of questions. hOwever the worse thing has been when family come over and think they can bring their  bacon with them for dinner.

  3. -its healthy and ur saving animals

    -people think its crazy but theyre crazy for eating all that death, carcusus, milk has puss and blood, meat has adrenaline and hormones.

    -no i dont jundge meat eaters its their decision such as i have my own

    -they just try to make you eat it, but its my lifestyle and i have to be tough and handle it,and think about it your ganna be heathier

  4. well i am a lacto ovo vegetarian, attempting strict vegetarianism. but i did it for the animals sake, but the heath reasons keep me going.

    people havent really made a horrible comment twords me yet, but some try to get sassy with me, and i just inform them the best i can. i dont preach, i inform. Friends keep asking if i want to come over because they are grilling out burgers....they are teasing and it does get annoying.

    no i dont judge meat eaters, im engaged to one :). yes if someone were to judge me i would hate that.

    i work at a restraunt, and my co workers keep threatenig to sneak meat into my veggie sandwich! i hope i never tick them off!

  5. -I just never really like meat (exept fish)

    -I don't really care what people say. If they ask why I don't eat meat, I just tell them I don't really like it

    -My whole family eats meat and they kinda questioned me when I started but now they are cool. I guess it kinda bugs me when people look at me weird when I refuse meat, but I guess I'm just a person that doesn't really care what people think. That's a good way to deal with it:just don't care. You are you and they have to accept that.

    -Someone called me a freak but I just shrugged and forgot about it.


  6. -well i've always loved animals and every time i ate one i just felt horrible about it, so i became a vegetarian (i am a vegetarian not a vegan.)

    -i tend to ignore the comments that people say like when they try and tempt me in to eating meat.

    -i dont judge meat eaters because it is there decision but i hate hate hate when they try to get me to stop being a vegetarian or say something how animals need to be eaten and should be used for animal cruelty because nobody cares about them. WELL I DO!

    -some told me "vegetarians are spawned from the devil, because meat is delicious and needs to be eaten." that hurt me reall reall baddd.]:


  7. I realized I didn't have to eat an animal for a meal and there were plenty of other good things

    I just ignore peoples comments I'm 13 years old  I've decided that I don't want to eat meat and I don't give a S**t about what you think about veggies

    I don't judge meat eaters and I get very mad when they judge me.

    The worst thing someone has done is my bffs little bro offered to make me and my friend popcorn. He has never liked the fact that I don't eat meat. He put pieces of pepperoni in the popcorn. Luckily I didn't eat it. And the worst part is my friend told her mom and she said Oh well he shouldn't have done it but it's nothing to get mad over. And I was like uhh... (thinking to myself) WTF LADY IT'S REALLY RUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!

    *I was crying my little eyes out*

  8. -i love animals to death and i found out what really happens at the slaughter houses.

    -i just blow them off and say s***w you

    -i hate people who judge me. i dont judge them

    -this one person threw meat at me during lunch. it was aweful.

  9. im only vegetarian, more then have of the ppl on here who said they dont judge meat eaters are f*cking liers

  10. I know a lot of meat-eater /vegans that just don't eat dairy or any processed foods. Its up to the individual .

  11. -The animal protein/cancer link made me do it

    -When people comment, i tell them that they wouldn't love me half as much if I weren't such a little deviant freak

    -I kinda do want to judge non-veggies because they have no idea how they are wrecking their health for a bite of dead flesh, but if I say something, I say it so jokingly that they take it well.

    -everyone I know is really nice about it, they just say I am becoming like the "hippie" community I live in

  12. Well I just ate a hamburger and saw petas website and I watched a video on farm animals and I literally threw up afterwards.  I couldn't deal with myself knowing I had just eaten a juicy burger and after seeing those videos it made me sick.  After finding more and more about animal products I learned how unhealthy animal products were so that helped a lot too but mainly it was for the animals.  

    As far as dealing with people's comments I have been asking that same question on here.  I learned what makes me feel good is to stand up for it because it is now something I really believe in and I am not going to let people put me down for it.  I don't push it on anyone else but if they are going to ask me about it or put me down for it than I definitely speak up.

    I hate it when I'm judged and I hate it when other's are judged.  I don't see meat eaters as bad people at all, I see them as uneducated and it is not that I get upset with them until I realize how closed minded they are and aren't even willing to learn the TRUTH and FACTS.  

    The worst thing was this past weekend at fathers day, we were visiting my bf's parents and him and I both went vegan over a month ago and his family hate the fact that we did.  When we walked in the first thing I heard were gunshots on the television.  His father and brother in law purposely were watching the HUNTING channel on extra loud so we could here the gun shots and animals.  At the dinner table they would make dying animal noises as they ate their steak and after dinner they kept making smar a$$ comments.  It was so overwhelming.  

    These were some great questions.  I love being vegan, and bless you for being vegan!

  13. - well, im pretty sure that you have seen the video "meet your meat" that was more than enough to mske me switch. while it was disturbing to watch, im glad i found it.

    - ugh.. dont even get me started on the trolls. i hate them. even if they dont understand us, that doesnt mean that they have to critsize us. my dealing with it is a thumbs down and depending on the comment, sometimes a pissed off mood. lol.

    - ok, im going to be honest here. i have judged them before, but i really try not too. i dont say anything, its just hard to block those thoughts sometimes. i realize though, that not too long ago, i was one of them. thats what sickens me the most.

    - my mom told a bunch of people that i was a vegitarian even though i wasnt ready to tell people yet. im not mad at her any more though.


    : )

  14. - Seeing animals being abused and living in foul places and the pollution I would not be contributing to (water and air pollution) by not eating animal-derived products.

    - I don't! I give them a HUGE lesson on how animals get to their plates then later on, I send them my slide show I made about factory farms!

    - I don't mean to judge, but I unfortunately think less of meat-eaters. Especially if they know what happens to animals. Yes, I get annoyed when I'm judged. Kind of unfair, I know.

    - Um... I'm not sure. I got upset when my best friends kept saying I'm unhealthy by going vegan even though I had researched it thoroughly and told them everything I knew.

    thanks :)

    Go veggies! Whoop whoop!

  15. -I'm a vegan because of animals cruelty and I was paranoid that I would get a high cholesterol (even thought I was already a vegetarian and only ate a little dairy and only egg whites. It was kinda silly, but whatever).

    -I normally deal with people's comments by giving them an explanation because usually the comments are questions asked rudely.

    -I don't like when people judge me because I never judge anyone else.

    -Sometimes people say to me "I love animals too! They are delicious!"

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