
Tell me about whacky contests you've been in or crazy bets you've made. What were the stakes & outcome?

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Any wild & crazy variations of old stale games? Have you invented any party games? Any fun forfeits or dares involved? We are bored of the some old same old!




  1. here is a Web site that has over 2000 contests and Competitions. you might find interesting prizes.

    The Search for the $50,000 Snake !!!!

  2. Well 4 couples (ages 23-27) got together for a cookout at a lake side cabin. A big plot of land & no close neighbors. We had all sorts of games available, badmitton, volleyball, ping pong, jarts, croquet, etc. So everybody started challenging everybody else & bets began flying. It became like a olympics, some individual & some team events. We played for modest stakes/dares at 1st, but stakes got higher as the day went on.  By p.m. nearly everybody had been in his/her underwear more than once, some b***s & butts were exposed & more than a few whacks handed out. I had managed to keep my panties on, but was topless several times, & took a bunch of swats too.  My husband hadn't lost much & hadn't lost his underpants or anything.  Now we decided to play strip kickball!!  4 on a team, losing team loses an article (& gets a whack from ea winner) then 2 players switch teams & losers of next round lose another article (& swats).Keep playing until 4 are naked.  Watching people playing serious kickball while nude was quite funny.  My husband & I ended up one of the 4 losers.  Winners lined all of us up, bent us over. & went down the line smacking bare butts & gloating. We had to be naked for another hour or so & perform silly tasks & errands for the winners' amusement.  I had to sit on a tray of ice! Ow. Also push an ice cube with my nose all around the yard.  

    Later we were going to have 2 naked girls mud wrestle (then 2 guys), but  not enough mud & not enough time!

  3. A bunch of us couples have made just about every game there is into a strip game. Board games, ping pong, pool, card games, lawn darts, croquet, foosball, & many more have been played for dinner, dares, clothes, lawn mowing, house cleaning, etc forfeits.

    The whackiest one that we invented: Have a girl (can be guy too) stand in middle of room in bra & panties (can be bikini swim suit).  Someone inserts pennies & dimes, (or some small objects) into her undies.  2 or 3  coins in ea bra cup, 2 or 3 down front of panties, also down the back.  2 guy players race to see who can capture the most money or pay a forfeit.

    My craziest forfeits  were probably 1. having to go to one couples house to cook & clean for a whole afternoon wearing just black lacy mini-bikini panties for a while and also nothing for a while.  2. having to paint one couples den in the nude. The other players kept dropping by to watch & tease me. They made sure I got paint all over myself too.

    Ideas should come to you, just get started & have fun.

  4. Played strip charades at a party.  I was on winning side. Two gals were naked & one guy who was supposed to be, refused, but  a bunch of us stripped off his boxers for him.

    Played strip checkers once.

    Played strip chess once too, but ended up naked.

  5. If there are lots of skirts or dresses: have a headstand contest. See which gal can stay in position the longest, she's the winner (& also the one who showed off  her panties the longest!!)  An icebreaker.

    Break balloons by sitting on them. Can be an icebreaker. Most popped in xx minutes wins. Can be clothed, but better in underwear, even better if not wearing underpants.

    Strip Contest: Time players in taking off clothes the fastest, plus time to redress. The loser(s) does a forfeit.

    Strip Relay: Teams (at least 2) line up alternately on opposite sides of room. Four players per team is ideal, 2 on ea side of room.  Player 1 for team A runs to player 2 & removes an article, #2 runs to #3 & removes one, keep going back & forth until entire team is naked. Fastest team wins.

  6. I was about 17 & bet on a game of miniature golf with my steady girl.  I spotted her strokes & was well ahead after 10  or 11 holes, she made an ace & was gloating & we raised the "stakes" !  I'm up like 5 strokes on #17 tee & there is an actual sand trap all along one side of this really long hole, which I hit into.  It took a bunch of shots to out & on the green.  She makes a lucky 2 on the hole & now has a stroke lead. Unbelievable. So she wins by one!!  We pull off this country road, she makes me pull my pants & shorts down & bend over the seat to get the 10 whack we bet.  I thot she enjoyed it a little too much.

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