
Tell me about your family...?

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i was a big answers fan throughout my last pregnancy and for a few months after our twins were born. my profile got deleted but now im back =)

i am 21 years old. my husband and i got married in feb 2007. we have a 3 year old little girl who will start preschool this fall...which im a little nervous about. we also have twin boys who are 4 months old. i stay home with the kids and my hubby has a full time management job here in the small town we live in.

tell me (in general) about your family




  1. I am 31 waited til late in life to get married, I had children very young and when I wasn't working I only wanted to be with them. Married at 27, my kids were 12 and 10 both boys. We were all very happy then in 2006 my oldest son was killed in an accident. He would be 16 now. So now its Myself my husband and my 13 yr old son. We are still trying to heal and we all spoil each other rotten. We learned that we have to make every day together count.

  2. I am 42 yrs old and have two boys ages 10 and 7 yrs old i also am married to a wonderful man ...My elderly mother lives with us and she is the middle stages of dementia and everyday is a new challenge with her... My sons are foster children and my hubby and i have been raising them for the past 6 yrs ... they are the love of my lifes and i wouldnt trade them for anything int he world...congrats on your new babies and take care...

  3. im 13 ^-^

    Yay points ^-^

  4. I am a stay at home mom  and wife. My husband and i have been together for 13 years (married for 2 1/2 years) & have a 6 year old son.

    My husband works in the coal mines....

    My daddy and mom had 7 kids......6 girls and 1 boy...

    I live in the most boring place ever.

  5. I will be 42yrs next month. I've been married for 20yrs and have three daughters, ages 18yrs, 6yrs & 3yrs. I run/own my interior design and personalization "company" from home at take care of my kids.

  6. I'm 35yrs. My husband and were high school sweethearts and have been married for 12.5yrs. We had a 10yr son, an 8yr son, a 4yr son, an almost 1yr daughter and are due with #5 in Feb 09...who was completely unplanned. My husband works for this big computer company and works M-F in Chicago and will finally be working close to home starting Aug 1! I'm an elem ed teacher...though I'm having a hard time trying to figure out what the heck we're gonna do when the baby comes....hmmm

    Best Wishes =]

  7. I am 20 years old.  And I have 4 1/2 year old twin girls, and I am 19 weeks pregnant with a girl.  I stay home and watch my niece during the day.  Thats my life!!

  8. Hi! I'm 25 years old, hubby (27) and I got married in Dec 2005. I got pregnant in Feb this year but miscarried in March. Now pregnant again (7.3 weeks) and hoping it goes well this time because we can't wait to start our family!

    At the moment, both hubby and I are working in administration, but I hope to be a stay at home mum when the baby comes along :)

    We live in New Zealand!

  9. My husband and I got married in March of 2007. We have a two year old little boy, Brady. We are expecting our 2nd little boy, Reid, in November. We are both full time students. I'm getting my degree in Child and Family Development and he is getting a teaching degree. We also live in a small town, and I don't know anyone in it. We are very happy building our family and making our dreams come true. I love my family!

  10. I am 31 years old. I have been married since 2000. We have two daughters, Paige(6) and Mackenzie(2). Our son, Nicholas or Thomas, is due on August 21. I am a 10th grade Biology teacher, my husband is also a teacher. We live on the same property as my parents. I have 4 nieces on my husband's and 4 nieces and 2 nephews on my side. I have a brother, a sister, and a sister-in-law along with their spouses. If you want to know anymore about me, e-mail me through my profile. I love to chat with other moms!!!

  11. I am 21 years old. I got married when I was 19. two weeks later I found out I was pregnant with my son. ( what a great wedding gift to each other? haha)  soon after I moved out of state from Georgia to texas. My hubby is in the army he is ADA!! ( I am very proud of him ) .  my son is now 22 months old and I stay at home with him and love every minute of it. we are trying for #2. hoping for a girl.

  12. I am 24 years old,my husband and I got married on January 1,2006,we have a 2 year old daughter,and I am going to have another girl in less than 11 days,He already had a 9 year old daughter before we got toghether,and I already had a son.I own a fashion company in Atlanta called Limited Too,he is the boss of a few d**k's sporting good stores here.We all reside here in Buckhead,Atlanta.

  13. I live in a house with my two boys (7 and 2).  Just us.  Their dad moved out a few months ago, we had a 9 year relationship.  We're still good friends though, the kids see him every weekend.  I live in the most awesome school district and neighborhood!  I love it here!  I'm close to my mom and my sister.  I'm 27, I'm a stay at home mom.

  14. I'm 21,been with my hubby for 7 yrs now.We have a 3 year old daughter(turns 4 August 25th) and a 1 yr old daughter. I am also nearing 8 months pregnant with our third little diva. I am a stay at home mom at the moment but after this baby gets a little older I am going back to work. My hubby works full time supervisor at a Saw Mill. Life is good!

  15. I'm 13 year old. No kids (and keeping it that way for a while). I have 6 brothers and sisters. They are 9, 6, 4, 2, and 2 month old twins. My dad is a lawyer and my mom is a doctor. My mom starting working part-time since maternity leave. SHe will go back full-time in September. I'm a student obviously but baby-sit whenever someone needs me. I also have a little puppy that just turned a year (amazing how quick that happened).

  16. im 19 i im 35 weeks pregnant, i have  sisters 2 brother all by tha same daddy. im tha youngest love the sooooo much

  17. I'm 28yrs. I've been married for 2yrs, have a 13m son and am due with twin boys in Oct. I had a full time job and LOVED it, but after my son was born, I took a part time job...and am now leaving that to be home with the three of them.

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