
Tell me about your most annoying co-worker?

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Tell me about your most annoying co-worker?




  1. lmaoooo im stuck in a room with 2 of sits behind me..and eats alllllll i hear her crunching in my ear all the time..and she's always on the office phone making personal calls lol...and the other is this old women she talks soooooooooooooooo slow...and she always studders when she answers the phone and forgets our office name...and she is always looking over to see what im doing hahahahaha

  2. There's only one. It's a lady who I've never met, never been introduced to yet she always seems to give me dirty looks and try and avoid me in the hall way. I know, you're probably thinking that I just dont see the fault in me that shes sees, but I get along great with everyone else in the office. Something about me puts her off, and I've done nothing, so now I just make a really obvious point to avoid her and duck into a different hallway or room when I see her coming.

    Stooping to their level is underrated!

  3. Oh, I'd love to.  I hope you don't mind me writing a novel.

    Some background:  she's 46, has worked at the same job since she was 16 (and still doesn't know how to do it correctly), lives with her parents, never married, doesn't seem to have any friends.  She goes on 2 week vacations twice a year by herself.  All of this stuff I don't judge her for, but it's part of the reason I find her opinions so ridiculous; she doesn't really have any experience in things like raising a child or living alone to be spouting off judgments on everyone else.

    She doesn't seem to understand the concept of an inside voice. She screeches and laughs at full volume in a quiet office.  She doesn't understand that her opinion doesn't equal fact (like she actually thinks there is no other way to feel about something.  Her way is always THE way).  She doesn't realize that it's not acceptable or professional to complain loudly about "Orientals" in an office.  She talks down to a co-worker who is a young mother, and questions every choice she makes.  She talks in an accusatory way, she refuses to  understand that she's made a mistake.  She doesn't let people finish their sentences without trying to finish them herself.  She feels superior to the rest of us because she never takes days off and she's been working for longer than everyone else.  She complains about tiny things like her favorite TV show being canceled as if it's the worst thing to ever happen, and generally doesn't understand that some people may have more important things to worry about.  She's a very privileged and lucky person in many ways, and she doesn't appreciate it at all.  Ugh, I could go on and on and on.

    The worst part about it is that she's not a mean person, she just is really ignorant and kind of dumb.  She doesn't understand what's wrong with the way she acts.  And she can be really nice and friendly, just a little wacky.  But sometimes she makes me want to rip my hair out.

  4. My most annoying coworker is the most fake person I've ever seen - that's all I can reveal on the internet ;)

  5. This Arab guy follows me around and it creeps me out. Especially since Im jewish lol

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