
Tell me again, WHY are we in IRAQ?

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There were NO weapons of mass tell me....


-How can we AFFORD to support THE COUNTRY OF IRAQ(after we destroyed it) but not HEALTHCARE for AMERICAN CITIZENS?

-If you voted for BUSH, are you disappointed in HIM?




  1. Iraqi governemnt has a $78 billion surplus in money and Good Hard Working Americans are wading in debt while our tax money is sent over the Iraq - its d**n near criminal

  2. You might want to check your facts. There have been thousands of tons of chemical weapons recovered in Iraq since the invasion. I don't know what you consider WMDs, but I bet you take a good whiff of little nerve agent and your opinion might change.

    Google it "Iraq wmds" and educate yourself.

  3. The problem is, you must be listening to CNN or MSNBC...they never tell you the whole truth!  

    My son has been in the Army since just after it started.  He's been to Iraq 3 times now (is there now!).  There was WMD found...but the majority was moved out of the country before the war started.  Heck, we gave them months of warnings .. they had alot of time to get it moved!  

    And no, I'm not disappointed in Bush.  He's kept us safe for 8 years now, we haven't had another attack since 2001.  

    I don't know why people keep blaming him for EVERYTHING.  When it comes to the economy and health care...blame the democratic Congress we have!  They're the ones that make those decision, the president is here to protect us, and he's done a d*** good job!

  4. We are there because it makes money for Bush and Cheney and their friends.

    Just as an FYI, Iraq has a surplus of multi-millions of dollars and we are in a deficit of multi-trillions of dollars

    I did not vote for Bush.

  5. We're here because we're here

    Because we're here

    Because we're here

    We're here because we're here

    Because we're here.

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