
Tell me any university that can teach me french in france?

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i want to learn french




  1. If you mean that you want to study in France, I recommend the Sorbonne.  It's right in Paris and is a wonderful school.  I enjoyed my time there.  

    If you mean an American University that teaches French as spoken in France rather than Cajun or Canadian French, most universities do teach that, but you have to check on the individual professors in the school.  Remember that your teacher is always going to teach you the pronunciation that he or she knows.  This means that you'll learn their specific accent.  I'm taking French now in the US for an "easy A".  My prof has a northern accent, while mine is from Savoy, so we often disagree on how something is said or slang.

  2. If your promary interest is is learning French then the Alliance Francais is the best choice.

    Here is their website:

  3. The internet provides an excellent opportunity to Learn french online. Finding the best course to learn French can be a daunting task, especially on the internet where there is so much to choose from. So, how do you find the best one? Now I will give you some tips to help you choose the best French course to Learn french online:

    1 Always be sure that anything you buy online comes with at least a 30 day money back guarantee. The consumer is pretty heavily protected these days, especially if you make your purchase using a credit card. Many reputable training courses, will allow you to try the course for a free trial period. This way you know if the course is good for you and the way you learn.

    2 The learning should be fun. The material should be engaging. With creative use of multimedia, and game type exercises, learning French should be fun.

    3 Make sure the course has enough material and is complete. There are many courses that fall short in this area. You want to make sure there are enough exercises and lessons in the course to enable you to learn French thoroughly enough to carry on conversations.

    4 Compare prices for the type of content offered.Some French courses offer about the same information, but the prices fluctuate greatly.

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