
Tell me basic points about conservation of natural resources that i can use in my project?

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tell me whwtever u know abt conservation of natural resources




  1. This is too big a topic for a short answer.  Can you narrow it down a little?

  2. If it's a construction project, I would suggest the United States Green Building Council (USGB) website - you could become LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) accredited and have your project be LEED certified.  Basic breakdown is:

    Water efficiency, sustainable sites, energy and atmosphere, indoor environmental quality, and materials and resources.

    Even if you don't want to go through all that, their website has lots of great tips and  suggestions you may find helpful.

  3. 1) Use bamboo instead of oak and maple trees to build things with. Bamboo grows five inches every day.

    2) Fill your car with ethanol to conserve oil. Ethanol is made with only 15% oil.

    3)Turn the water pressure down in your shower. Take shorther showers and take showers instead of baths. All of these simple steps will help you conserve water.

    4) Recyle as much as you can. Whatever you don't recycle it ends up in our landfills which ends up getting dumped in our oceans which can contaminate up to 2 million gallons of ocean water. It can also destroy ocean life.

    5) Start using cloth napkins and cut out paper plates of your daily routine. This will help save the trees.

  4. Conservation is all about Re-use/Recycle, reducing your carbon footprint, and not just preserving, but taking an active role to clean up the environment and pressure our elected officials, as well as private companies and citizens to all do their part.  

    There are two main types of natural resources - renewable, and non-renewable.  Natural gas, coal, and other fossil fuels are non-renewable.  However, even renewable resources like our forests, animals, water and air, are only able to renew themselves efficiently if a balance is kept.  We cannot use faster than these resources can renew themselves.  The more we pollute and poison our environment, the more we reduce the ability of these resources to renew themseves.  Each of us can do our part to make sure that we are helping, and mimizing the harm we cause to our environment.  While, it's not necessarily reasonable for most people to completely give our their cars, electricity, etc., there is plenty each person can do, with very little effort:

    -  Turn off lights when you leave the room.  Teach kids to turn off the lights too!  

    -  Whenever possible, use organic methods to control pests and weeds. For example, vinegar is very effective at killing weeds.  Molasses can be used in your yard to repel ants, and it's a great fertilizer too.  

    -  Join your local Freecycle group - - it's a grass roots organization where people give and request items for free to keep them out of the landfill!

    -  Whenever possible, re-use or buy good quality used.  It will save you money, and re-using items reduces the number of natural resources needed to create new items.

    -  Whenever you go camping, fishing, hanging out at the park, or just anywhere - leave it a better place than when you arrived!  Don't throw trash on the ground, but even better - if you see trash on the ground, pick it up!!!!  Teach your kids too!  Every time we go camping or fishing, my kids do it automatically, and are proud that they are doing something to make the world a better place.

    -  Bring your own bags - you can buy or make re-usable bags to carry your groceries, instead of using plastic or paper bags.  If you sew, knit or crochet, make re-usable bags for your friends as gifts!!! Even better, knit or crochet a re-usable bag out of strips of plastic bags from the grocery store.  They make tough, re-usable bags that are cool to look at, and are super-environmentally friendly!

    -  Drive more efficiently - rapid starts and stops waste gas.  So does speeding!  If you're going to be sitting in one space for more than a couple of minutes, turn off the car.

    -  Car pool!  Plan trips with other people, so you can all go together!  

    -  Plant a garden - grow your own fresh veggies - they taste better, and they're better for you.  Kids LOVE gardens!  Even a small sun-facing patio can be used to grow hanging tomatoes, peppers, herbs, etc.

    -  On nice days, open the windows and turn on the fans - save on the electric bill and be envirionmentally conscious!

    -  Recycle, recycle, recycle - if you live in a city with curb-side recycling, its even easier!

    -  Teach your children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews - all the kids in your life.  We can help spread the green by educating the next generation.  Be a good example to them!

    -  Email your congressmembers, manufacturers who pollute, and vote green!

    -  If you're considering a new car purchase, go with the greenest car you can afford.

    -  Walk, ride a bike, or take public transporation whenever you can.  Start a car pool group.

    -  Think before you print, and check the print preview to make sure that if you need to print, you print your document the way you want it the first time.

    -  Make your home more energy efficient by adding insulation, upgrading to more efficient appliances, checking the seals on doors and windows.  If you can afford it, install solar panels.

    -  Bring your own washable, re-usable cup, and use this instead of disposables.

    -  Use re-usable plates, napkins, and flatware, instead of buying the disposable kind.

    -  Use house hold trash for kids' arts and crafts projects... contact your local boy scouts, girl scouts or other youth organizations - many of them are always looking for egg cartons, milk jugs, popsicle sticks and other items for craft projects.

    -  Use a compost bin, and compost egg shells, ends of vegetables, and other non-meat organic matter.  Your garden will thank you for it!

    There's so many things that each of us can do every day ranging from simple to complex, that can make an impact.

  5. conserving natural resources comes down to a few basic things...called the three R's.


    REDUCE / RE-USE / RECYCLE:  Buy a car that gets better gas mileage, keep your tires properly inflated, use light bulbs that use less electricity, appliances that use less electricity, plant trees around your home to keep it cool in the summer, get a fireplace to heat your home in the winter, use solar panels or solar heating pool equipment, allow your computer to "hibernate" after a period of inactivity, don't drive your car unnecessarily and don't over accelerate, re-use your plastic grocery bags for something else before discarding them,  use goods that are made using recycled material, electronic document storage for large businesses so they don't waste paper, don't leave the water running in the sink when your not using it, turn the a/c thermostat up during the day when your not home, recycle often.

  6. I see you are conserving your own resources by sitting on your lazy behind and expecting others to do your work for you.

  7. whoa. Big topic... umm a lot xD




    Global warming and it's effects on resources

    Fossil Fuels






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