
Tell me do u think i have bi-polar?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 15 and everything seems to be aiming at me.

Ive been feeling like life wasn't meant for me, but at the same time i feel like i need money in my life to make me happier. I hate being criticized so, i don't try to meet new girls cause i don't wanna get dissed by them. I always feel left out when i see my friends with der girls. I cant never seem to find out my place in life. I'm still a virgin cause of the fact that I'm scared to ask a girl to have s*x with me, but yet i have strong sexual needs. When ever I'm bored i always wanna do something but never do it if I'm by my self, but when I'm out in school i cant stay still i gotta act out and being quiet is not my strong point. Depression seems to strike a lot and i yell and cuss and throw the phone when things don't go my way when I'm talking on the phone with friends or girls about stuff. 5 people told me i have mood swings but idk wat they are talking bout and they all say i must be polar and i keep saying I'm not and i don't show non of this around my mother but i do show it around my sisters or cousins if they are around me for a long time so please someone tell me if i am.




  1. Sounds like your hormones are in over drive which can mimic bi-bolar

    however if you get thoughts of harming yourself or others Go to your mother.... Don't you know you should be able to talk with your Mother about anything she will be there when nobody else will  

  2. No, I dont think you have bi-polar. Mood swings is different from having a mood disorder such as bi-polar, and it sounds like it is just your hormones going crazy due to you being 15.

    If it was bi-polar, you would not be able to hide it from anyone including your mother. You would be unaware of your behaviour, and unable to stop yourself from showing it. If you are really concerned though, I would speak to your mum or someone else you can trust, or go and visit a doctor and talk about it.  

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