
Tell me everything Pls... Oh and Pls Give tips?

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Me Riding

Tell me everything

From the ponies jumping style to what they would do wel in...

And how I ride most of the pics were awhile ago... I have inproved.

Um I know about my heels and my legs swinging back when I jump.

Bwt me.

I am 13

quite short (don't know how short)

Live in New Zealand

Been Riding since I was 2.


14.1hh? - 146cm?

Only just 5



Jumped 2.1m wide ditch the other day


13.1hh - 136cm


Died 23/4/08

Did everything, mainly Dressage and Eventing


Jumped 1.4m

Oh and could you pls tell me how high you think me and Santa will get eventing wise?






  1. Cute ponies! they have great jump form. but i think you need to give more release hand have a little bit more of an arch in your back and keep it flatter but your ponies im sure could get to about 3'9ish my pony smaller then yours i have jumped 4'3 so you definatly can!

  2. with the santa pic. u need to get off his back. practice ur 2 point n it will come.

    also dont get ahead of the horse when his jumping.

    practice makes perfect:)

    good luck

  3. You:

    you should sit more forward in the jumps

    Dont put your feet into the sturrips so much

    keep your heels down, toes up

    look ahead (you didnt some of the jumps)

    Horse Conformation:


    Low Shoulder

    Weak Neck

    Weak Hind End

    To help with the weak neck, and hind end, drive him more, and do a lot of circles. Lunging can help him get under himself a bit more. Not much you can do about the Neck and shoulder.


    Very Very sore knees!

    (this could be besauce of age or artheritis)

    Deep Flank


    Thats about all I can tell from conformation...sience there arent any conformation shots... so I cant tell much more.

    Good Luck with your riding and showing!

  4. I really like both horses, the look cute, capable, well cared for, and most importantly, they look like they truly enjoy what they are doing.

    As far as your riding - it looks like you are still trying to adapt to your new horse. You pictures on Frankie look much better than your new ones- you seem to be hanging on the reins with a very open hip angle. And as you said, your lower leg is slipping & your toes are pointed down. Also, you roach your upper back quite a bit. I would say you should try shortening your stirrups a bit, and work on pressing your heels down & toe forward.  Try to close your hip & knee angles - sort of like squatting down. To help with the roaching, lift your chin, push your shoulders back into your spine and push your belly out towards your ponies ears.

    If you were my student, I would probably have you work on jumping low gymnastics with no stirrups or reins to make you really work on your form - I'm mean like that!

    I think that Santa is very nice and looks like she could certainly work at a higher level that what you are doing now, but since I know nothing about eventing, I can't really comment on how far she could go.

    Good luck to both of you!

  5. You can't tell exaclt how high a horse can jump by pictures. and second of all I don't knoq meters, just feet ): sorry. I think 1meter = about 3ft. so he jumped about 3'6? hmmm...sorry wish I could help you more with that, but yor position o.O

    Your upper body couldn't get much better, but PLEASE PUT YOUR HEELS DOWN! You should robley get tall boots or chaps they help your leg saty still (like the ones Santa's old owner is wearing and her legs stay in place much easier) Umm..but very nice release and in balance with them both...JUST FIX YOUR HEELS!! lol it will help soooo much...with your riding skills and appearence :) Hope I helped and sorry if I sounded rude D;

  6. Keep ur heels down! act lyk the saddle isn't there 4 u 2 sit in lyk its a chair.use ur leg and butt muscles 2 keep the correct position.loosen up on the poor horses mouth a bit.very cute ponies,im sry 4 ur loss.i kno how it feels 2 lose a sweet horse.

    good luck.

  7. Alright..Your Franky looks obviosly likes a games pony, jumper, small event horse. Santa He is a hollow jumper..and it looks like you catching him/them in the mouth alot! Santa would look AMAZING in Eventing or fox hunting!!! He has the perfect frame..might need a tighter frame in the higher levels but for BN-N you guys would kick butt!!!

    To stop him from jumping all hollow....ummm i dont know

    Your horses look VERY athletic! And Very nice!

  8. It looked like you had your toes pointing down and bring yourself out of the saddle not slide back and keeping your back straight but other than that keep up the great work.

    p.s. i didnt really get a good look at the pictures :S

  9. Give that horse a release on its mouth, you are pulling on it constantly

    Get your butt out of the saddle more

    Put your stirrups on the ball of your foot and put your heels down

  10. It looks like you could make you back more flat over the jumps, but those are high so it might just be you're trying to have a good recovery. You might want to try keeping your heels down a little more too. Other than that you look good! I hope this helps you improve!

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